5 Ways Going to Nursing School Will Change Your Life for the Better
Dec 15, 2014 | 11:00 am
You might hear the phrase that nursing is not for everyone. That is why one needs to research and do a little homework as to what nursing is about, what is expected, and what a nursing career involves as a whole. There are many different branches of nursing that one can get into. Finding the balance that is right for you can be a bit frustrating at first, but the key is to educate yourself about the field and different positions that one can hold at different education levels.
The Changes are Coming
When talking to some nurses, you may find those who will tell you that it is a thankless and extremely stressful job, and they don’t like it. However, you will also find others who will tell you that they love being able to make a difference in someone’s life and they cannot imagine doing any other job. The reactions of people are certainly diverse.
When attending nursing school, you will find that the medical field is complex and there will be courses such as anatomy, physiology, chemistry, biology, algebra, nutrition, nursing fundamentals, including theories and assessment, along with any pre-requisites that may be needed. Schooling will move on to focus on adult, pediatric, mental health and community nursing. Your days will be filled with learning, lectures, videos, books, labs and practicums. There is much to learn, but as you go on in school, you will continue to learn things that will be fascinating and interesting. You will find that you want to know more. You will learn that nursing is physically demanding and can be truly stressful on your body, and how good health and exercise help you relax. You will also learn that accuracy can be a matter of life and death.
According to Scrubs Magazine, there are many changes that will happen from the day you start college and all throughout your nursing career. Some of the things that will happen as you venture through school is you will become more compassionate, you will gain confidence, you will gain strength, learn the importance of teamwork, find deeper interests, learn many news things, and find advancement opportunities. Perhaps best of all, you will find personal life meaning in your profession. You will be able to say you make a difference and inspire others to do the same.
Keep Yourself in Check
Nursing school is stressful and complex. Studies can be brutal at times with exams and finals. As you continue with your nursing school experience, you will likely take a closer look into your own life and find that you are more thankful for what you have. You will find yourself more compassionate of people and life. You will want to be the one that makes a difference in the life of someone who needs your help. You may even find yourself searching for more in depth answers to a course that you are studying. Medicine is a fascinating profession and can be somewhat overwhelming at times. However, it’s all just a matter of concentrating on your studies.