American’s Got Nurses Interview Article – Rehabilitation Nurse
Dec 3, 2014 | 10:00 am
A rehabilitation nurse helps patients regain physical mobility after a serious injury and helps them, with not only physical, but also mental disabilities. They provide direct care and counseling to people who suffer from physical and mental disabilities along with chronic illnesses or substance abuse problems. They might work in hospitals, provide home health care, work in clinics, outpatient facilities or substance abuse treatment centers. Their work is demanding both physically and mentally and they deal with all types of patients from young to old. Some rehabilitation nurses might volunteer to help veterans who have conditions that they could otherwise not obtain due to transportation, their location or other issues. They may simply help a veteran write a letter or plant some flowers, but they volunteer from the heart. Sometimes they are even called “angels” by appreciative patients.
On Working Nurse, Nicole Alarcon, RN stated, “I am constantly amazed at what we are able to achieve with many of our patients.” She was asked what age range they work with and she went on to say, “Our patient population ranges from about 14 to elders over 90 years of age.” She was then asked what she loves about her work. She replied, “I love being a witness as patients gain a renewed independence and feeling of personal accomplishment.”
Susan D’Agostino, RN, BC, MSN at Baptist Cardiac and Vascular Institute of Miami, FL says, “Dealing with patient’s psychological issues in one of the most challenging aspects of cardiac rehab due to fear of death or another heart attack.”
Marci Moreno, RN, MSN says, “Cardiopulmonary rehab is extremely rewarding because you are dealing with people who are choosing to make positive changes in their lives.”
Plan for a Rehabilitation Nurse Career
If you have ever had to go through any type of rehabilitation in the past, you know that it can be really hard and painful. Think of this, those same empathetic feelings, as you engage in a rehabilitation nurse career. Patients are usually not pleasant to deal with during these painful and anxious times. It is common for them to argue with their doctors or nurses and occasionally (or often!) become rude. Yet, rehab nurses are also very much appreciated after the fact—like when a person is able to walk again and can regain the life they once had. This is when the sincere thank you comes and they are indeed heart-warming.
It takes a special blend of skills, education and expertise to be in the medical fields. Many of us say that we would not be walking or even alive if it were not for the medical teams that worked so hard to keep us going. Welcome to this world, this time, as a nurse who is going to be on the helping end.
With all the different branches and specialties in the market, it’s hard to believe that there still doesn’t seem to be enough rehab nurses. There is a continuous shortage in this field, which means you are right on-time to apply!