How to Become a Child Development Counselor?
Feb 12, 2015 | 9:00 am
Becoming a children’s counselor is a long process. In most states, it requires having a Master’s degree in Counseling, Psychology, Sociology, or related degrees. Of course, to get a Master’s Degree, a student must have already received a B.S. degree in a related program. The student must take a Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and be accepted into the Master’s program. Due to the extensive amount of education and training, a student should carefully consider committing to this process. Working on a Master’s program generally takes about two years.
Any student earning a Master’s degree must consider whether the college is accredited or accepted by the state licensing board. They also need to consider whether they plan to earn a Doctorate’s degree, as some of the courses taken while earning a Master’s degree may count toward their credit in the PhD. coursework. Some states may require a counselor to have a Psy.D in order to become a Doctor of Psychology. It is an equivalent to a PhD; however, it focuses on therapy and counseling. A student seriously considering a degree in counseling, but are not sure what college to choose can get information at Gradschools.com.
Once a student receives his or her Master’s Degree, there will be a state licensing process to go through. Every state except for California requires a license in the field of Child or Family Counseling. The test is administered by the National Board of Certified Counselors. A non-profit organization administers the test according to each state’s standards. A student that is committed to getting a state license will research the requirements needed for their particular state and be prepared before taking the test. A good research site is the National Board for Certified Counselors.
While working on a degree program, it would be helpful to take a job working with children such as a daycare worker or helping in a school classroom. Working with children will help a potential Child Development Counselor be sure that this is the career path they want to take. Another good idea is to contact Counseling centers that will allow you to work as an intern, even if you can’t go into the counseling room due to confidentiality issues. Another way to gain experience with children is to volunteer to work at community facilities such as a YMCA youth program or in an orphanage. Working or learning in one of these areas or a similar one can help the counselor obtain valuable experience working with children.
In order to get certified, a student will complete supervised work hours in the particular field of child counseling he or she is most interested in. This will give a counselor student a better idea of what age group they are most comfortable working with. Some may want to work only with young children, while another child counselor may be more comfortable working with pre-teens and teens. All of these age groups have a need for counseling. Completing an internship may also be required before getting a state license. Some counselors prefer to work in a particular area of counseling such as working with children who have been abused, children who have an addiction, students with ADHD or behavioral problems, or children who show signs of depression or anxiety. A Master’s degree is also necessary to work as a sociologist in Child Protective Services or Law Enforcement.
While taking undergraduate courses, a student may want to take elective classes in business and/or accounting, especially if they plan on opening their own clinic. A working knowledge of the state or national requirements for setting up a business would be truly helpful when setting up a counseling business.
More and more children are in need of counseling due to all of the social issues they face at home and at school. Death, divorce (click here if you need helping clients who are facing a divorce), abuse, bullying, and being socially awkward are just some of the problems children face, and they are not always forthcoming to adults about their inward thoughts and fears. A child counselor, whether working as a school counselor or a clinician, can help children express their feelings and make the counselor aware of any possible danger such as abuse or thoughts of suicide. A counselor who is well-educated and has a passion for helping children is invaluable. When children are guided in the right direction, they will have a better opportunity to become a productive adult who can learn to cope with difficult issues.