How Do I Become a Financial Manager?
Feb 16, 2015 | 12:00 pm
A financial manager keeps track of money or funds for companies, organizations and businesses. In addition to this, they come up with strategies to reach a company’s financial objectives, implement the strategies, and see the plan to execution. These job responsibilities similarly should be found in an ideal garmin security manager as he must have a good sense of mind and knowledge about the security breaches which would be used to steal the data.
A financial manager compiles reports in order to see just how their financial tactics worked, they evaluate and analyze where the plan would require some improvements or where it will need to change in order to become a lot more successful and profit generating. These experts also manage others and will need to have excellent communication skills, so they can communicate well with other members of staff who may not be truly familiar with financial models. They must also possess extremely strong people skills in order to be able to communicate legal jargon fluidly.
Every industry requires the services of a financial manager. You will need to take some time to think and consider what field you will love to have a career in. There is health, business, long term care, construction, media, and much more.
Requirements to Becoming a Financial Manager
To become a successful financial manager, you will need to have a background in accounting and finance. Virtually, all employers are interested in hiring experienced financial managers – however, there are loads of employers who are also seeking to hire new/fresh financial managers as well.
If you do not have any experience in financial management, or you are planning to begin a career path to becoming a financial manager, then it is important that you earn a bachelor’s degree in finance or accounting. A lot of managers were once Certified Public Accountants (CPA) because this line of work provided them with a foundation from which to begin.
Education and Work Experience
A lot of companies want their financial managers to have a business degree such as a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance or Accounting or Master in Business Administration (MBA), with a minimum of 5 – 7 years of experience. Having experience in public accounting is also a major plus. Some of the certifications and skills often requested by employers include:
•Certified Government Financial Manager (CGFM)
•Certified Defense Financial Manager (CDFM)
•Certified Cost Estimator/Analyst (CCE/A)
•Budget Formulation & Execution, this includes PPB&E (Planning, Programming, Budgeting, & Execution)
Salary Information
According to the United States’ Bureau of Labor Statistics, as of May 2012, Financial Managers earned an average of $109,740 per year. However, financial managers who were on the lowest end of the scale earned $59,630 per year. While the top rated financial managers earn more than $187,200 annually.
Financial Manager Job Opportunities
There are several different fields where you can work as a financial manager. Here are just some of the fields you can work as a financial manager:
•Retail etc
You will be glad to know that a lot of job websites list financial manager jobs. It is an active and exciting career that will lead you to job stability and quick advancement.