How to Become a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Texas
Feb 5, 2015 | 12:00 pm
Accredited vs. Non-Accredited Programs
The most important thing to consider when applying for programs that offer clinical social worker classes is to make sure they are accredited programs. Sometimes schools that are not accredited offer no future in licensure because they are not accredited with the Texas Council on Social Work Education.
This can be a huge waste of money and time. If the student is not sure what type of degree or certificate is offered, career counseling may be in order. The Social Work Licensing Board has up to date information on ever changing regulations and is an excellent resource for information on educational requirements and career planning. Criminal history investigations are intense when it comes to social work licensure. The licensure applicant who has a criminal background will have to be evaluated to make sure any criminal charges are cleared and to make sure that these criminal acts will not affect clients in an adverse way.
Classes of Social Workers in Texas
The state of Texas currently recognizes four different categories of social workers. The first type of social worker is the Licensed Clinical Social Worker or LCSW. This licensure requires a MSW (Master of Social Work). Through the master’s program, the student completes foundational study requirement. This is all for preparation of more advanced studies and field work. An advanced Master of Social Work may also be completed as the next step in studies of the field.
Licensure Exam
The Texas Board of Social Work Examiners administers the licensure exam for social workers. When they have completed the program, the exam will be the next step. The Texas Licensed Clinical Social Worker exam is called the Texas Jurisprudence Exam, and Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Clinical Level Examination. A score of 70 or higher is required to pass the exam. The licensure application fee is $111.00; fee is $40.00 for Jurisprudence exam, and $260.00 for the ASWB exam. Licensure renewal is on two year cycle. Renewal fee is $106.00 and the requirement of at least 30 continuing education points should be documented and filed before the cycle ends.
Clinical Experience
Documentation of supervised clinical work for 24 months and 100 hours is the field requirement to maintain licensure. During this time, the applicant will work closely with another experienced licensed social worker who will monitor the applicants’ knowledge and ethics.
Scope of Practice
The Practice of Clinical Social Work: The practice of social work that requires applying social work theory, knowledge, methods, ethics, and the professional use of self to restore or enhance social, psychosocial, or bio-psychosocial functioning of individuals, couples, families, groups, and/or persons who are adversely affected by social or psychosocial stress or impairment.
Since each specialty of social work in Texas has a different scope of practice, the rules and regulations on these scopes of practice are very stringent. There is a readily available system in order that is open to the public to file complaints and appeals for action taken by social workers who do not stay within the guidelines of these statutes.