The Benefits of Becoming a Nurse
Jan 5, 2015 | 8:00 am
Before opting for a nursing job, it is essential to know what this career has to offer and if it’s advantageous or not. If you’re looking for the benefits of becoming a nurse, you should know that one of them is you will have the opportunity to help people who are in need. You will always lend a helping hand to the sick and the poor and this can be emotionally rewarding and fulfilling. If you’re looking for other benefits for a nurse, you will find them below:
The Noble Job
One of the first benefits listed by NurseCareerTips.com is the fact that nursing is a “noble profession.” This is true, considering the fact that nurse care for individuals who are sometimes in their darkest hours. There are also times when nurses are unfairly criticized and blamed, but they must be open-minded and able to understand that illnesses can also affect the emotional side of the patient. Nurses must be unselfish and even if they work long hours, they must keep their patience and smile on the face because they are the only support for some of the patients.
Job Security
As a nurse, you can always be sure on your job. In the rare case, you may be laid off; you will immediately find numerous options for employment. Moreover, the prospects for this occupation are extremely positive, as the job rate is continuously growing. For example, the Bureau of Labor Statistics notes that over 580,000 nursing positions will be available by 2018. So, you don’t have to worry about the future of your career, as the nurses will always be in demand.
Financial Benefits
Most of the nursing jobs have great financial benefits. Besides the salary, numerous working establishments also offer salary hikes and signing bonuses. Also, you can come across employers who provide subsidized training and friendly work schedules. Moreover, if you’re in urgent need of money, this job permits you to do overtime work. Your salary will depend on your role, your educational level and your location. Some of the highest salaries are obtained by nurse practitioners, who can earn an average of $89,450 per year.
Flexible Schedule
If you’re hired by a hospital, you will be working in shifts and this will allow you to have a flexible program and free your schedule when you will have something important to do. You can work various hours per day, 12 hours, 10 hours or 8 hours, depending on your shifts. Thus, you will have the freedom to work when it’s more convenient for you, whether it’s night, day or evening. At the same time, you can exchange shifts with your colleagues if something urgent emerges.
Another one of the benefits for a nurse is variety. This is one of the few professions that offer diversity in what regards the working establishments. Thus, you can work in a private clinic, a hospital, a school, or you can specialize in a certain field such as neurology, oncology, urology or pediatrics. There is also a variety of nursing positions and you can choose them according to your training and career desires. Thus, you can be a nursing supervisor, staff nurse, research nurse, floor charge nurse, floor unit manager, and so on. This is an exciting career opportunity just waiting for an enthusiastic student like you!