Benefits of Going to Nursing School in Florida
Dec 14, 2014 | 11:00 am
Going to any school in Florida is advantageous. The schools are well regarded and growing. Even smaller schools back in the day are now slowly growing. It is no different for nursing schools within the various Universities. They have high standards and the deluge of applicants allows them to keep those high standards.
More About the Nursing School in Florida
Even as you leave high school, the field of nursing can provide a wide field of entry positions for students who are committed to nursing education. However, new nurses—CNAs, LPNs, and RNs—have an opportunity to gain reliable jobs with solid salaries without the long-term education commitments of other fields. In the long-term, nursing offers candidates positions as long as they want them, with consistently excellent benefits, the option to gain advanced degrees and make moves either laterally or vertically to gain entrance better paying nursing specialties. All the while, they gain experience and a better-than-average income. Many nurses have taken the route of CNA to RN working as they went.
Reasons to Pursue a Nursing School in Florida
It seems that no matter what article you read on benefits of schools in Florida, the number one benefit is always the climate. The old adage of Florida having four seasons: fall, winter and spring, with the other 362 days being summer has some validity. You do not have to wear multiple wardrobes here, just layers, on occasion. The temperature is predicable. During the summer, it is generally 89 to 93 regularly with the need for an umbrella as a regular afternoon fixture. You can go out daily and “sun yourself” in the ever-present solar tanning booth, or enjoy walks in the evening when the temperature abates and the fauna has perked up due to the rain. It is a beautiful and restful climate, as often as not.
The State Itself as a Benefit
What other state offers the “Mouse House,” Walt Disney World, Universal Studios, Busch Gardens, Sea World, Lego Land and dozens of other diversions as part of its daily offerings. The evergreen nature of the area with flowers blooming on a nearly daily basis is endearing, to say the least. The exotic fauna and wildlife life of the Everglades is a unique way to spend off time as well as the other diversions such as football, basketball and racing presented at world class levels; all wonderful draws to add to the main attraction to study nursing in Florida. Oh, and have you heard about the beaches of Daytona, Miami, Tampa, and the “Redneck Riviera” of the panhandle?
The Schools as Benefits
Nearly every community college and University in the state offers a nursing program and all attuned to the standards of the Hospitals like Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville and Shands Children’s Hospital in Gainesville. They are all top notch and offer a variety of educational models that should make it easy for you to find a comfortable fit. The excellence of the nursing schools along with other advantages makes Florida a prime source for nursing education.
Some articles will expand on this three benefits presentation, but these are the most pertinent to most people. If you have decided to attend nursing school in Florida, there are plenty of reasons to attend nursing school and/or trade school. The State of Florida has a variety of educational opportunities available and all of the benefits apply to them as well.