What is Biotechnology?
Dec 27, 2014 | 12:00 pm
The definition of biotechnology is the use of living systems and organisms to create or modify products or processes for technological applications. The best way to understand how biotechnology works is to explain how it relates to current medicine and what it may mean to future illnesses or injuries. The word biotechnology may seem a bit long and hard to get a clear grasp on, but it is more than just a difficult word. Biotechnology is the future.
The implications of what can be accomplished with the use of advanced biotechnology methods are astounding. When the question is asked “what is biotechnology?” the answer can be quite complicated, simply because there are so many uses for biotechnology in such a wide variety of areas. However, it is possible to understand biotechnology with a little patience and a little information on the different types and applications as well as an example or two.
Bioinformatics (brand of computer science)
One of the most prominent ways biotechnology is applied is through the use of bioinformatics, which is a brand of computer science. Bioinformatics is a field that is focused on developing methods and software tools for storing, retrieving, organizing, and analyzing biological data. Bioinformatics combines things like computer science with mathematics and engineering to study biological data and processes.
The most common use of bioinformatics is to map and analyze DNA and protein sequences. This is extremely helpful for law enforcement, criminal investigations, to solve complex biological problems, and in genome research and analysis. With advanced biotechnology processes such as bioinformatics, it is possible to accomplish medical, research, and criminal tasks that would not otherwise have been possible prior to the use of such a high level of bioscience.
Bioprocess Engineering
Bioprocess engineering focuses on the design and development of products such as food, feed, pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, chemicals, fuels, and polymers. By incorporating biotechnology, bioprocess engineering alters or applies renewable materials to generate value-added products. Specifically, bioprocess engineers are responsible for things like conversion of biomass into products and bioremediation for environmental preservation.
So, really – what is biotechnology? So far, there have been a lot of technical terms for involved processes that seem far too complicated to understand. No doubt biotechnology is complex, but it can be understood with a little patience. For instance, think about the term “biorobotics.” Biorobotics is a fancy word for things like genetic engineering and cybernetics, which include one of the simplest, most recognizable words in the English language – robots.
Biorobotics is the integration of live organisms with complex machinery. It’s that simple. Well, not really…but the overall concept is that simple. Biorobotics has been the source of many movies, television shows, and books, but currently has no real applications. However, with the advancements currently taking place in the field of biotechnology, it might not be that far off that a genetically engineered robot actually exists.
So, think of biotechnology as science fiction brought to life. Scientists who work with biotechnology specialties are working toward using natural and living organisms to improve the capabilities of current technologies and equipment. Don’t let the terminology over-ride the ‘cool’ factor. Biotechnology is the future and with the use of biotechnology advances, the future will be amazing.