Blogs to Follow if You Are Considering a Surgical Tech Career
Nov 25, 2014 | 12:00 pm
With Internet access and availability of technological gadgetry, use of computer is one of the best teaching tools in the world. If a person is considering becoming a surgical tech, investigation into the aspects of the career is far simpler than it used to be. Information is now available directly from individuals who have experience in the operating room who actually get online and blog about the happenings. Of course, much of this information is only the individual’s opinion, but attitudes and personal concepts can be extremely enlightening to individuals who are unaware of operating room realities.
The best medical blogs for surgical technologists can be found on some of the college’s websites. If a person aspiring to be a surgical technologist wants the real story on surgical technologist programs and how they work, following these blogs can lend extreme insight into the professions.
There are plenty of downer people out there who are willing to whine and complain about their jobs and never get into the solution about finding positive attributes of their work. One of the best blogs on the net is: I am a Surgical Tech. This blog is a well organized, easily accessed and extremely informational. There seems to be a good flow about it.
Photographically, this is probably the best surgical tech medical blog on the net – Surgical Tech/Surgical Humor on Pinterest. This blog is perfectly done with plenty of humor, funny photographs, and knowledgeable insight. With 282 pins and 592 followers, this is without a doubt one of the busiest medical blogs on the net. With the intense stress of working in the OR, humor is a much-needed antidote for exhaustion and relief of an extremely bad day. These blogs are a wealth of information from real people who experience real problems in the profession on a day-to-day basis.
When following blogs, it is important to watch for the date of the last post. If the blog is not kept current, one might not want to waste time on the website. One of the best relevant, up to date blogs is Cutting Through the Crap. This is a medical blog that comes from the surgeon’s standpoint. If the surgical technologist can understand a bit of frustration and attitude of the surgeon himself, there may be a better chance of success in relationships in the OR.
Down Under
The Paper Mask is a blog from Australia. It is a bit different and speaks more of legal issues and troubles in the wake of blogging, but has some good articles on healthcare in New Zealand. Blogging can take people all over the world in order to see what type of legal issues are looming out there. It is also a great way to compare pay rates, specialty needs in the operating room, and how well the support staff is in any given facility.
Schools Blog
iScrub is a blog devoted to providing news, information, and resources to the healthcare community and those it serves. It is our goal to keep our hand on the pulse of the online health community and bring you, our loyal readers, the best of what we find. We strive to be focused in message, but informal in tone. We hope you enjoy.
This is a most informative medical blog where connections may be made to surgeons, other students, and supportive people who want to see others successful in their career as a surgical technologist.