You Can Find Counseling Degree Programs at These Colleges
Jan 21, 2015 | 12:00 pm
If you are planning on pursuing a career in psychology with a focus on counseling, it is important to know about the best school that offers a comprehensive degree program in this field. Since this course is a multi-faceted learning option, choosing the best school should not only be based on the reputation of the school because what matters most is the coursework being offered by the institution as well as the course curriculum that would be taken by prospective students.
When Looking for Colleges for Counseling
Universities and colleges with counseling programs usually have specialization options that may focus on family and marriage, school counseling and mental health counseling. In order to guide you through your selection of different graduate school with counseling programs, you need to first decide on your field of specialization for this particular branch of psychology.
One among the many universities to choose from that offers excellent graduate studies in counseling for psychology degree holders is the University of Michigan. Located at Ann Arbor, this university is among the graduate schools for Psychology that has excellent degree programs for graduate studies with focus on counseling and it is also considered as one of the most comprehensive research departments in the U.S. when it comes to psychology. This university offers students extensive training for career development either in the academic sector or on applied clinical settings should the student choose to practice his or her profession in a private work environment. Aside from counseling, the University of Michigan has more than a few major specializations where it is probable for students to pursue graduate studies including but not limited to:
Colleges for Counseling Lists
•Clinical Psychology
•Cognitive Neuroscience
•Developmental Psychology
•Social Psychology
•Personality & Social Contexts
Another university that offers counseling programs is the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida. The counseling program offered by the school ranked third in 2010 according to the U.S. News & World Report when it comes to personnel services and student counseling programs.
Due to its College of Education, the University of Florida provides master and doctoral programs with specialization in marriage and mental health counseling, family counseling, and guidance and school counseling. All of these graduate study programs are accredited by the CACREP (Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs). The school counseling programs are also acknowledged by the NCATE (National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education).
More often than not, various universities with counseling programs offer the same instructional lectures and coursework as with an average university. The only difference is the learning resources as well as the medium of learning. So, with the ever increasing popularity of pursuing a career in psychology, specifically in counseling, this simply means that attaining a degree in this field is not highly impossible especially for those who think that it is just a remote possibility because of their current situation. With a number of counseling degree programs to choose from as offered by different universities, this can serve as a great advantage to further increase the employability of an individual.