What Can I Do With a Psychology Degree?
Feb 14, 2015 | 8:00 am
The field of psychology is one of the most sought after careers of our era. The types of jobs that can be attained are almost endless. Most people think of psychologists as working clinicians with an office and patients coming in for counseling. There is much more to psychology than that. A psychology degree can prepare graduates for several types of interesting and challenging jobs. Since every psychology student is different, it is well worth looking into the other areas of psychology that are available. Psychology does not have to be limited to sitting in an office counseling patients.
Which Psychology Degree Will You Choose?
One of the most sought after jobs is in the field of School Psychologist. They are desperately needed across the country. Working with students in a school setting is a challenging, yet worthwhile job. Getting to know students and focusing on their mental health can be truly rewarding.
A Genetic Counselor help families deal with issues related to genetic disorders. The psychologist help patients understand the issues that are related to children with disabilities and refer them to agencies that can further assist the family with the genetic issues they may face.
Many colleges and universities utilize Career Counselors to help students decide what career path they would be suited for. They are also available to talk with students about any mental health issues they are facing.
A Child Psychologist focuses on the mental health of children. Many children face challenges in the home and family environment and are in need of counseling. Special training in this field is needed. A Child Psychologist will need to know how to handle children with issues such as ADHD and Emotional Disturbance.
A Caseworker works with people who are in need of an advocate to help them face issues related to physical and mental child abuse by a friend or family member. The advocate will work within the legal system to make sure that children are in a safe and comfortable environment, and works with caretakers to make sure they are getting the help they need with child issues.
Other Options for a Psychology Degree
Some psychologists work mostly in the field of marriage and family counseling. They are trained to help families facing issues at home such as financial issues, communication issues, dealing with a family member who has a disease or disability, sexual issues, and child rearing differences. They help families or individuals find ways to deal with the stress of these issues in a calm, comfortable environment where the patient can be assured that anything they say or do is confidential.
Grief Counseling is another one of the much needed and in demand types of Psychology. The Counselor is trained to help families deal with the loss of a loved one in a helpful, sympathetic manner.
One of the psychology jobs most in demand is Forensic Psychology. A Forensic Psychologist works with the legal system in several ways. They work with law enforcement on legal issues related to court cases such as custody, mental state of the defendant, and testimony related to criminal state of mind. They often interview the defendant to determine if they are competent to stand trial.
There are many other fields within the career as a psychologist and the demand for good psychologists is continuing to grow. The most important aspect of choosing a career in psychology is to choose the area of interest within the field, so working as a psychologist will be interesting and rewarding. The best thing to do is to research the different areas of interest and plan college courses that will lead to a degree in psychology.