How You Can Take Your Nursing Skills Into the Army and Be an Army Nurse?
Dec 12, 2014 | 10:00 am
Of course, the simple answer would be find a recruiter and sign up. Another possibility is that you can be trained to be an excellent nurse at Fort Sam Houston, in their medical facilities. The main reason you might want to take your nursing skills and become an army nurse is to fine-tune them.
You could argue the reality of the old show M*A*S*H, but the one thing that they did show perfectly is the need for speedy and accurate triage and how the medical staff demonstrated their abilities on an almost daily basis. Every skill that you have as a nurse must be at its highest level in a combat theater and, although you may never go into a combat theater, all of the training is guided toward sharpening your skills to that level.
“How do I become an Army nurse?”
As stated before, if you are a nurse and want to enter the Army, just walk on down to the recruiter. If you are in High School, check out the possibility of an R.O.T.C. option. There are many ways to approach it and the Army will always need nurses to patch people together whether in war or training exercises. There will always be a need for the fine honed triage and surgical skills in the field and there will always be a need for people with dedication and skills who can overcome the less than stellar situations an Army nurse faces.
“Why would I even consider being an Army nurse?”
Benefits are the main advantage. Most medical staff starts out as officers; it increases pay and all other benefits. The retirement is excellent and something that needs to be consider. Army provided and paid for education. You can upgrade your skills and knowledge all on the Army’s payroll. The working conditions will never be Mayo Clinic chic, but the medical treatment given by the military medical staff has never been anything but the best. Top notch and the ability to work with people of this ability and intensity should always be enticing to dedicated and self challenged people.
“What does it mean to be an Army nurse?”
It means that you have decided to dedicate your life to people who have committed to serving their country at risk of life and limb on a daily basis. It is a high and honorable calling. The medical treatment and outcomes have gone from unbelievable to commonplace in a mere few decades. The techniques and adaptations make day-to-day nursing and its own life and death struggle seem almost bland.
To become an Army nurse, you can enter through the RORC, the Reserve, or the Regular Army. All of them are entered through your friendly local Army Recruiter. A simple signature and your life is planned for the next 4 to 8 years. Who knows what picturesque places that planning will introduce you to over your career? Start by pursuing an academic education and learning the fundamentals of nursing.