Dental Books a Prospective Dental Student Needs to Read
Dec 13, 2014 | 12:00 pm
One important part of the dental profession, as a doctor or a nurse, is to learn the terminology and the basics of treatment and diagnosis. Textbook knowledge is required in order to excel in this field. In preparation to become a dentist, there are several possible dental books that will be beneficial to a dental student. As with any other profession, there are textbooks assigned by the university that will be used in the classroom. Dental books should not be confined to textbooks in the classroom. A dental student would be wise to further their education by reading other dental books outside the classroom, ensuring the dental student is well prepared to enter the dental profession.
Dental Student Courses and Textbooks
The following is a short list of possible dental books that a dental student can read for more information about the dental career. The first list is taken from Dental Student Books.
•Cell Biology
•Dental Materials
•Oral Biology
•Oral Pathology
•Pediatric Dentistry
•Oral Surgery
These and other books will help a dental student prepared to become a dentist and take the DAT (Dental Admission Test).
Additional Books and Journals
In addition to the above books, you can also find some useful dental books at FreeBookCentre.net. Some of these are free e-books and guides for prospective dental students to read:
•Dental Anatomy and Occlusion
•Implant Dentistry: The Most Promising Discipline of Dentistry
•Advanced Speeds in Operative Dentistry
•Notes on Mouth and Teeth
•Prevention of Oral Diseases or Dental Problems
•Dental Biomaterials
•Dentistry Today
•Advances in Dental Research
•Journal of Dental Education
•Dental and Oral Disorders
•Dentistry Today
Finding Additional Resources
The list of courses and books above is very comprehensive. There are more books available for students interested in becoming a dentist. Many of these books and journals are available online or in dental school libraries. Researching the Internet can lead you to inexpensive e-books or used books priced lower than at a bookstore. Even, after becoming a dentist, many of these books and publications can be useful to keep a dentist up to date on the dental profession. With all of the advances in medicine, it is important for dental students to keep up with the current studies and possible treatments on patients. The more a dental student reads, the better chances there are of becoming a successful dentist in the future.
Finding the Right School
Even though such books are available to the public, medical students must prove themselves capable of demonstrating textbook knowledge in real world practice. While the final test comes in on-the-job training, students must demonstrate proficiency in textbook knowledge by passing an examination. This is handled on a state level, and students must be licensed by the state board. However, in recent years, there has been an increase of initiatives such as the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC), which seeks to help nurses cross over states and take their licensing with them. Keep this in mind as you pursue your education.