Emerging Technologies That Could Impact the Med-Tech Industry
Jan 1, 2015 | 9:00 am
Med-tech (medical technology) is an industry that is growing at a rapid pace due to emerging technology and medical advancements. Innovative medical solutions integrated with the increasing capabilities of medical equipment and staff members is changing the healthcare field in ways no one would have imagined just a few decades ago. The impact of several of the current emerging technology advances could be far reaching for the medical profession and the patients involved.
Microbots and Nanobots
Although most people think of microbots or nanobots as pure science fiction, it won’t be long until these little miracles actually exist. Once they are up and running, nanobots will be able to assist the healthcare industry in ways not yet imagined and in a few that desperately need their assistance.
For example, microbots could be injected into a patient and maneuvered by using magnetic manipulation. Once in place, the microbot can be heated with a tiny laser shot and when it reaches a certain temperature, it will release the right drug amount at the appropriate spot in the body. There will even come a day when microbots can be left in the body for years and only used or activated when needed.
Deep Brain Stimulation Systems
The human brain is a complex, not yet fully understood part of the body that still needs a lot of help from technology. Deep brain stimulation systems can help with illnesses like Parkinson disease, Dystonia, Meige syndrome, and Essential Tremors. While still quite dangerous and only used as a last resort in most cases, deep brain stimulation surgery by integrating a sort of brain ‘pacemaker’ that sends constant electrical pulses throughout an area of the brain to restore normal rhythms. The hope is that the pulses sent through the brain will restore more movement control and stability.
Surgical Robots
Using robots for surgery is nothing new. However, the capabilities of emerging surgical robots might be a game changer. Things like virtual imaging, smaller incisions, less doctor fatigue during surgery, less pain for the patient, and faster recovery for the patient are all promising aspects of robotic surgery, and should all improve as technology advances.
Artificial Uterus
An artificial uterus is an emerging technology in the healthcare industry that could change the face of pregnancy forever. Still theory and not yet practice, the use of an artificial uterus works by creating a device that would allow for extracorporeal pregnancy (outside the body of a female organism) and would carry the fetus to term. The implications of that kind of technology are breathtaking. Families who can’t have children naturally or same sex couples who want to have children, but can’t, are just a couple of examples of how an artificial uterus is one emerging technology with tons of potential.
Of course, there are a number of other emerging technologies that are poised to make a difference in the healthcare industry. Cryonics, prosthesis (body implants), hibernation (suspended animation), stem cell treatments, virotherapy, tissue engineering, and vitrification are all just a few of the potentially groundbreaking biomedical technologies on the brink. Who knows what the future actually holds? But, it is a safe bet it will be amazing.