Q: What is DiscoverMyCollege.com?

A: Our website is designed to help guide students towards a complete and practical education. We want to help you every step of the way, from choosing a program to choosing the right school. We are staffed by professionals who know the struggles students are going through hoping to find a degree that benefits their career.

Q: Is there any negative stigma with online diplomas or degrees?

A: Ultimately, the decision to hire a candidate is left to the employer. However, most diplomas do not specifically use the phrase “online.” The employer simply sees the school name and degree and uses his or her own judgment. This is why it’s important to pay attention to a school’s reputation. The Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) conducted a survey that revealed 79% of employers have admitted to hiring online degree applicants within the last year.

Source: http://www.shrm.org/research/surveyfindings/articles/pages/hiringpracticesandattitudes.aspx

Q: How do I transfer my existing credits into a new school?

A: You would request that your “official transcripts” be sent from the previous institution to the new school you are enrolling in. However, keep in mind that it is not guaranteed that credits will transfer. Before making definite plans, speak to an advisor from the new school to make sure your credits are considered valid.

Q: What is the Qualifying Process of Enrolling?

A: Each school sets its own criteria. Some schools may require a phone or video interview, while others may simply request an email exchange. There are also admissions tests for some courses and schools, as the school must learn your current level of education in vital subjects. It is our goal to introduce you to schools that can help you.

Q: What about SAT scores?

A: Schools that offer open enrollment or open admissions do not require SAT scores. Schools that do not offer these options may require SATs.

Q: How old are students that attend online universities?

A: There is no set age group and we welcome everyone from high school graduates to senior-age applicants. Some people want career changes whereas others take classes in order to learn a trade or even for personal enrichment. Since certification and diploma courses can be completed in months as opposed to years, this has provided opportunities to students of all ages. The average age of a student is 33, which clearly shows that many people decide to go back to school much later in life.

Source: http://www.franklin.edu/blog/profile-of-the-average-online-student/

Q: What is a consolidated loan?

A: A consolidated loan refers to combining several outstanding loans and refinancing them as a single loan. This can lower monthly payments in many cases. Federal consolidated loans can help students who have several existing student loans lower interest rates and monthly premiums. The average interest rate on a federal consolidated loan varies, but is based on the weighted average of all loan interest rates, rounded up to the nearest 1/8 percent. By law, the rate may not exceed 8.25%. There is no limit to the dollar figure you can consolidate.

Source: http://www.syr.edu/financialaid/loans/federal_consolidation_loans.html

Q: Can I add an eligible student loan that I forgot to consolidate?

A: Yes, as long as you add the eligible loan within 180 days of your new consolidation loan.

Source: http://www.nelnet.com/loan-consolidation/

Q: What financial aid is available for returning students?

A: There are many financial aid options that may be available, including federal and state government loans/grants, as well as loans from private companies. The school you choose will most likely have a financial aid department that helps you begin the process. However, it is best to do your research ahead of time, and gather up all documentation. These records might include tax forms and personal and professional identification.

Q: What’s the difference between loans and grants?

A: Grants do not have to be paid back, but loans do. Amounts are based on your financial need and how much you’ve received from other grants and loans. In many cases, grants do not entirely cover your full educational expenses. This is why students are advised to look into all of their options, including grants, loans and scholarships. Usually, loans do not have to be paid back until 6 months after the completion of the course. Repayment terms vary and the average time period is about 10 years, though some terms can be longer. Contrary to popular belief, you can still apply for more loans even if you are currently paying back previous loans, as long as payments are current.

Q: What about military or veteran’s benefits?

A: Students who go to a school that has been approved by the Veterans Administration can take advantage of Veterans benefits. Visit www.Military.com for a list of these approved schools. Furthermore, active members of the military can take advantage of financial military benefits. Talk to your Education Officer for more information.