How to Get Licensed to Become a Social Worker?
Jan 27, 2015 | 9:00 am
Social work is a system involving a strong correlation between practice, theory and values and those who activate within this system serve people on a group and individual level in either public or private organizations. Social workers stand next to their clients, working closely with individuals and helping them through education, therapy, public resources and counseling.
If your dream is to become a social worker, then you should know that there are various levels of careers within this system and the one you go into depends on your training and education. You should know that in order to perform in this field, you need a social workers license. However, let’s take it step by step.
Undergraduate Education for Social Workers
In order to become a social worker, you need at least a Bachelor’s Degree in this field. The BSW, as it’s commonly known, includes both practical and theoretical courses and educates students on a large variety of social issues. The courses insist on the psychological level of the job, teaching the students how to implement change and assist the others. According to the site socialworklicensure.org, it is imperative for the school you choose to be accredited by the CSWE (Council on Social Work Education). Otherwise, your diploma might not be recognized.
Some of the classes you will be taking if you follow an undergraduate program are:
•Value and ethical analysis
•Welfare programs
•Social work policy
•Cultural diversity
•Criminal justice
•Community outreach
•Substance and alcohol abuse education
•Psychology and sociology coursework
Graduate Education for Social Workers
Before obtaining the social workers license, you could also choose to undergo a graduate program, such as a Doctorate or Master in social work. This will complement the undergraduate degree and will help you in your career, by allowing you to apply to more advanced and better paid jobs. A higher degree will also help you leave a larger impact on communities and individuals by having more understanding and knowledge.
Some of the classes offered by a graduate program are: policy development, fieldwork, criminal theory, advanced mediation courses and internships.
The graduate coursework is more thorough and includes more practical courses, so it helps the students get a strong feeling of what they will be doing as a real social worker.
The Social Workers License
To work as a social worker in any of the U.S. states, you will need a license. Every state has different requirements for obtaining the license, so you should search for the specific regulations of the state you’re willing to practice social work in.
The social workers license is also dependent on your education. There is the initial license making you an associate or bachelor level social worker. This license is also known as LBSW (Licensed Baccalaureate Social Worker).
Secondly, you can obtain the master license. This comes after the initial license and it’s called LMSW (Licensed Master Social Workers). In order to get it, you need to pass a standardized exam.
Finally, there is the clinical license, which is the full professional license. It’s known as LCSW and in order to obtain it, you need a graduate degree and years of experience.
Every license requires you to have an annual renewal process that can demand re-examinations, continuing education and fees. With the help of these procedures, social work communities are able to provide high-quality and thorough services to individuals of all ages and social classes.