How Do You Go About In Getting a Surgical Tech Degree in Tennessee?
Jan 7, 2015 | 9:00 am
A surgical tech or operating room tech will assist physicians, surgeons and registered nurses. They will do so by preparing or setting up instruments and medical equipment and ensure it is working properly. They will prepare patients by washing and disinfecting incision sites, position patients, covering them with sterile drapes and transporting them. They will assist the medical team with surgical gowns, gloves and masks. They will pass instruments and supplies to surgeons and first assistants. They will hold and handle internal organs and retractors. They will handle specimens, apply bandages and dressings, restock room and check inventory and transport patients to recovery.
Most surgical techs work in hospitals. Their work is physically demanding with lifting and they may be on their feet for very long periods of time. They will stand for long hours, lots of walking, bending and lifting. They could be on call, work nights, weekends and holidays as needed. They will be exposed to infectious disease, see unpleasant sites and be exposed to unpleasant orders.
Surgical Tech Program Information
In addition to on-the-job training, getting a surgical degree in Tennessee, a student can get a certificate from a vocational school, associates, bachelors, master’s or doctoral degree depending on the level of education.
According to Education News, Tennessee has 14 accredited schools where surgical tech programs are available. The salaries in Tennessee range from $27,000 per year to $48,000 per year while the Bureau of Labor Statistics says $29,000 per year to $60,000 per year depending on education level. BLS states that the projected growth for surgical techs is 30% between 2012 and 2022, which is faster than originally thought.
Education News states that there is a 5% growth in salaries in Tennessee as a surgical tech. Surgical Technology is a growing field and is more cost effective than registered nurses. With additional training, a surgical tech can become a first assistant.
Surgical Tech Program in the State of Tennessee
Qualities that are needed for a surgical tech are stress management skills, detail oriented, dexterity, integrity, physical stamina and to be able to provide support and high level of care to patients and healthcare workers.
Although it is said that in Tennessee, surgical techs make less than their counterparts, the field is growing faster than expected and the salaries are also growing. The demand is high and some of the top schools are Concorde Career College, Tennessee Technology Center, Nashville State Community College, and Surgical Technology Schools of Tennessee.
This field is fast pace, physically demanding and mentally demanding and one must stay on top on things to support their team members and provide a high level of care to the patients. It is also recommended that a surgical tech become certified through the National Board of Surgical Technology and the Surgical Assisting and National Center for Competency Testing. This will ensure better career opportunities and the surgical tech knows the legalities and correct procedures they need to follow in order to be an asset to their team. Some states regulate surgical techs, so it is recommended that a student check with the state of Tennessee to see what regulations are in place.