Interview Tips When You Go For That Dream Nursing Job
Jan 6, 2015 | 9:00 am
No matter where you are at in your career search, you will face what will seem like a million questions and every answer, facial expression, how you sit, how you look and your overall first impression will probably be the “make it or break it” point. You are the selling factor in how you can sell yourself and everything about you to a company who is going to possibly invest in you, your skills and knowledge and your future. You can scour the internet and talk to people about what they might ask and what is the best way to answer but you really do not know exactly what they will ask until you are actually asked the questions. How frustrating.
According to Nursing 2014 by Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, the interview can be truly stressful and they have compiled a list of 65 questions that you may be asked to help you prepare for your interview.
The Best Interview Tips for Nurses
They seem to always ask you to tell them about yourself, which is customary along with a few other predictable questions, but then they may also throw you off completely with something completely new. For example, a question like, “Who is the most difficult person you have ever worked with and why?” or, “Have you ever been in a situation where a coworker ever put a patient in jeopardy and what did you do about it?” Well, if you are fresh out of college this may or may not pertain to you. However, being able to answer the question in some intelligent way will be truly beneficial to your future. They may ask if you have ever done any volunteer work and this too will give them insight to your exposure and experience. Have you worked with any foreign nurses? This question will give them an idea of your communication ability and how you deal with different types of people and cultures.
They may also ask you if you have any time management tricks that other nurses could benefit from. This may give them insight as to whether you would share information and work as a team, but also might give them some insight on whether you might be a good candidate for a leadership role later on. They might ask what you would do if you found an elderly patient on the floor and how would you document it. Interview tips for nursing can help one prepare for a strong impression.
Interview Tips for Nurses and Qualities That Work
Along with education and examination scores, you will be asked many different questions and feel like you are on trial. In a way, you are. The employer will be making a major investment in their new employee and they want to know that they are making the right decision for their company, their patients and other employees. They will want to know all your experience with medicines, computer and electronics and experience you may have with labs, clinical, coding, terminology and much more. They also need to know that you will be able to handle the stress both mental and physical without missing a beat. First impressions often will make the difference.