What is the Job Description of a Chef?
Mar 29, 2015 | 9:00 am
The top team in any eating establishment, whether hotel-based or independent is the group of chefs, a profession that depends greatly on endurance, patience and a measure of great skill. They are sometimes referred to as maitre de cuisine or executive chefs. In order to get to the top, a chef will need to have experience, creativity, and stamina, which can be achieved with a lot of dedication. If you are interested in becoming a chef, the first question on your mind would be “What is the job description of a chef?”The role of chef varies from general restaurant and hotel chefs to the reputable specialist chef, whose reputation precedes him/her, such that patrons see it as a great privilege to eat in his or her restaurant.
Types of Chefs
There are different types of chefs. They include:
•Sous Chef
•Commis Chef
•Executive Chef
•Head Chef
•Section Chef
The higher the position, the more money the chef will earn and the more responsibilities he or she will have.
What Is The Job Description of a Chef In A Restaurant?
According to the Occupational Employment Statistics released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), in 2013, restaurants and other eating establishments are the major employers of chefs and cooks.
Daily tasks of a chef include organizing menus in accordance with the availability of the ingredients used in the preparation of the meals and sourcing the ingredients at great prices, and also preparing the day-to-day menu along with other members of the team. It is important to understand that long hours are a part of the work, so are stressful times (especially when a food critic is a guest). Most chefs have acquired some of their skills at a vocational training college and gradually work their way up. In order to fill the position of a chef, 2 to 4 years vocational training and some experience is required by many employers. A chef is typically promoted from lower-level positions such as trainee chef or kitchen assistant.
As mentioned above, the work hours of a chef is known to be quite demanding, as he or she starts very early in the morning and be the last ones to leave. The holidays are the most hectic period as chefs are expected to come to work.
A chef does not only work in a hotel or restaurant, chefs also work in industries, or settings that require them to prepare and serve people food. This includes canteens, hospitals, universities, schools, bars, cruise ships, etc. Some chefs may specialize in preparing desserts, vegetables (veggies), seafood, sauces, pastry, and other types of foods.
What is the job of a chef with a certificate or degree?
Whether a chef is armed with a college degree or not, chefs typically perform a lot of the following tasks:
•Preparing different types of dishes
•Employing, training and firing kitchen staff
•Ordering supplies from vendors at great prices
•Preserving the quality of food
•Managing the budget set aside for the kitchen
•Planning the menus
•Enforcing safety and health regulations
•Being in charge of dozens or several workers like cooks, waiters/waitress, washers, cooks and other service staff
•Personally responsible for every dish that leaves the kitchen for the customer’s table
Skills Needed to Become a Chef
•Time management
•Written and oral communication
•Being progressive and creative
•Team management and teamwork
•Administration and organization
•Effective budget management