Job Market Outlook for Licensed Social Worker in Texas
Feb 4, 2015 | 11:00 am
Texas the Territory
Texas is a huge territory. With government subsidy for remote clinics and healthcare facilities, many careers are booming in all corners of the state. Population increases due to massive immigrant influx, along with higher birth rates and relocating families has pushed the need for social work in many states with Texas at the top of the list.
The licensed master social worker field in Texas is coveted, and there are many positions to choose from. From school programs to senior care, chemical dependency, and human development venues, these social workers are in the trenches day and night to assist the needs of otherwise helpless individuals.
Senior Care
Baby boomers are quickly moving into problematic areas with progressive assistance needed in living arrangements, health problems, and retirement issues. Balancing out paperwork with Medicare and Medicaid, private insurance and lack of funds is truly troublesome to older individuals. Social workers are needed to direct and support these aged clients, so their benefits are not lagging and their security stays intact. Social workers for these clients may be found in assisted living facilities, rehabilitation facilities, hospitals, and transition facilities for the aged. There is a certain private sector using these social workers for advice and long term planning for eminent economical and social changes.
Outpatient Behavioral Health
Behavioral health clinics also employ licensed mastered social workers in Texas. These facilities treat chemical dependency, eating disorders, cognitive issues, and may develop a huge range of ages. Children and adolescents with problems like AD-HD disorders, low IQ, self-worth issues, and personality disorders are some clients that can benefit from these outpatient facilities and social workers are the usual go to people for solutions. The social worker is accountable for assessment, development of treatment plans, and final analysis of outcomes.
Group therapy is also an intricate part of behavioral health problems and social therapists may be leading educational ideas for leading clients into recovery on many levels.
Chronic Illness
Cancer patients or patients with other chronic illnesses are always in need of social workers who can be supportive and understanding about decision making and paths to better progression of wellness. Planning for chemotherapy treatment, outcomes, treatment venues and all possibilities, including death are addressed by the social worker with the client.
Patients with renal failure will need information, training, and extensive education in nutrition and other areas that may include many unknowns. The social worker is responsible for educating, helping the client make personal choices about treatment and living arrangements. Setting appointments and connecting clients with other support providers is also in the job description of the social worker.
Crisis Stabilization
With Texas being a heavily militarized state, veterans returning home from war zones need to be re-immersed into social settings and may extensive help in area of post traumatic stress syndrome and anxiety disorder. The social worker can help connect these individuals to other professionals who can diagnose more serious cases and offer treatment and therapy to help stabilize emotional problems.
Licensed master social workers in Texas also work with rape crisis centers, adult and child protective services, shelters, and schools to help with emotional and cognitive problems that may be addressed through proper assessment and treatment.
The Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners (TSBSWE) regulates the profession of Social Work in Texas. The TSBSWE is a state agency with rules making authority governed by a nine member board appointed by the Governor, and is administratively attached to the Texas Department of State Health Services.