List of Available Careers for Those with a Culinary Arts Degree
Nov 14, 2014 | 11:00 am
Nowadays, it seems that more and more people are interested in getting a job in the culinary arts industry. Moreover, a culinary degree is often the ticket for a secure job in a restaurant or any other eating facility. For this reason, increasingly more youngsters choose to go to a culinary arts school. They dream of becoming renowned chefs and cooks, but what they don’t know is that a culinary arts degree can offer them numerous other opportunities. For example, you are not forced to work in a restaurant if you don’t want to, as there are numerous other institutions offering careers in culinary arts. If you want to know what else you can do with a culinary arts degree, just read the following.
This is one of the few careers in culinary arts where you don’t have to work in a kitchen. You will need to have the same skills and techniques, but you will be cooking for larger groups of people participating to various buffets or parties. You will also have longer serving times and you may need to participate in the menu creation. Most caterers choose to have their own businesses to service hotels, brown bag lunches or large events such as weddings.
According to GatewayGourmet.com, a nutritionist must combine science with the culinary skills. Their job is to analyze the reactions of the human body to certain nutrients found in food. At the same time, they offer meal preparation and dietary consulting for the people who have specific dietary needs. In order to become a nutritionist, you will need a Bachelor’s degree. You can choose to write nutrition books, work for television shows and magazines or open your own personal office for nutritional consulting.
Food Stylist
Have you ever wondered how those plates on cooking shows or on the cover of magazines look that good? Well, it is not just a coincidence, it’s the work of a food stylist who will carefully construct the visuals of the food, so it looks tastier and more appealing. The food stylist is an artist that will make sure that the food has its maximum appeal. They will maximize the color with various cooking techniques and they might use alternate materials to create the foods. These professionals can work for television cooking shows, photographers, marketing companies or food magazines.
Cooking School Instructor
Some careers in culinary arts also involve teaching. So, if you want to teach the others the secret of being a great cook, you can choose to be a cooking school instructor. You will need a degree in culinary arts and you must also have lots of hands on experience. You should also have mentoring and teaching skills. A prestigious educational facility will require you to have a minimum of 2 years of culinary experience and a Bachelor’s degree. As a cooking school instructor, you will be able to find a job in any public or private educational facility.
Other interesting careers in culinary arts are workers in a pastry/baker shop, worker in the bed and breakfast industry, cruise ship staff, food scientist and personal chef.