List of Jobs for Those with a Culinary Arts Degree
Nov 15, 2014 | 8:00 am
In case you want to pursue a culinary arts job, you will first need to obtain a culinary arts degree. Getting a diploma in this field will allow you to advance in your career and even become an Executive Chef, if you gain enough experience. The culinary arts jobs are usually secure, even if you get fired from one restaurant, you will always find a new food service facility that will welcome you. People will always be in need of restaurants and food, so you don’t have to worry that you will be left out. Moreover, it doesn’t matter if you have taken your culinary arts degree in the United States, because you will be able to send your resume and work anywhere else in the world.
Culinary Arts Programs
Various institutions, according to Chef2Chef.net, offer the culinary arts programs. First, there are the specialized culinary schools where you will receive extensive culinary training. Depending on the program you choose, you will also have the chance to learn important aspects about the scientific processes and the business skills. You will be offered both theoretical and practical courses.
Second of all, you have the colleges that provide culinary arts certificates, degrees and majors. They can be both private and public and they are necessary for those who want to become managers and chefs. These schools offer the widest range of culinary arts degrees. Thirdly, you can choose to follow a culinary art program at a vocational school. Here, you will learn both business practices and culinary skills. Many people go for this alternative because it’s practical.
List of Culinary Arts Jobs
With a culinary degree, you can aspire for top culinary arts careers. You don’t have to be a simple kitchen worker when you can become a highly paid chef. For example, you can choose to become a personal chef. A private employer will hire you and you will work in a private residence. The greatest advantage of being a personal chef is that you will have a more flexible schedule and work environment. At the same time, you will have full control over the menu. If you work full time, you will be able to earn a minimum of $35,000 per year and a maximum of $50,000 annually.
One of the most important culinary arts jobs is the executive chef. These professionals only work in upscale restaurants and earn an average salary of $75,000 per annum. However, there are executive chefs that can also earn $120,000 per year.
Another highly paid culinary job is the pastry chef. This can be a great career, especially if you are talented and work in top of the line restaurants. The wage of a pastry chef is around $50,000 per year. Those who work on hourly payment can earn a bit less.
One of the highest salaries in the culinary arts industry is earned by the sommeliers. They are also called wine stewards and they work in upscale restaurants. The average salary is $60,000 annually, but the famous restaurants can pay up to $150,000 per year.
Other top culinary arts jobs are: world-class chef, wine director, restaurant manager, head cook, research chef or nutritional consultant.