List of Sample Nursing Interview Questions
Dec 8, 2014 | 10:00 am
What are Some Nursing Interview Questions?
It can be intimidating to stand in front of a potential employer and answer questions on the spot, about your profession, your character, and your past. However, you must remember that some of the interview process is about learning who you are and how you respond to pressure. This is, after all, a truly stressful business all about high-pressure environments!
Preparing for an Interview
When going in for an interview for a nursing position, you should be well-prepared ahead of time. There are several nursing interview questions that will require thought and preparation. The employer will be observing your appearance and your personality. Not all nursing interview questions will pertain to the job itself, but you will probably have interview questions about your personal interests, your strengths and your weaknesses, and about why you want to become a nurse. When being questioned, answers should be concise and pertain to the questions being asked.
Specific Nursing Interview Questions
Following are some example questions taken from About.com.
•What made you decide on becoming a nurse?
•How do you handle stress on the job?
•How would you deal with a doctor who is rude?
•How do you handle a patient who constantly complains about pain?
•How do you handle a patient who complains about everything?
•How do you deal with a family that is not happy with the care given the patient?
•What do you find most difficult about being a nurse?
•What do you feel you can contribute to your patients?
•What do you feel is the most rewarding part of being a nurse?
•What would you do if your replacement didn’t arrive?
Generic Questions
There are other more general questions that you may be asked that are listed below:
•What attracts you to this facility?
•Why are you leaving your present job?
•What is your most professional achievement?
•How do you handle a request that you disagree with?
•Who are your career models and why?
•Can you give some examples of your problem-solving skills?
•What are the most important lessons you have learned in your career?
•How would you rate yourself in dealing with patients and their families?
•What type of management style do you work best with?
•How do you set priorities in your work?
Beating the Competition
The questions in this article are just a few that might be asked. There are many more that the employer might ask that you will need to be prepared for. Coming into a nursing interview unprepared can catch you “off guard” and the person or persons doing the interview will pick up on your demeanor when trying to answer nursing interview questions. You should dress appropriately and be confident, but not arrogant. Remember that you will be competing for the position you are interviewing for with several other possible candidates. Being prepared for the nursing interview questions will go a long way to ensure you are the chosen candidate.