List of Schools that Offers Counseling Programs in Georgia
Jan 26, 2015 | 10:00 am
If becoming a counselor is your number one dream, then you’ve come to the right place. This article will offer you an insight on the school counseling programs in Georgia and, hopefully, will help you make the best decision for your future career. The first thing you need to do is search for a program that offers both theoretical and practical courses, so you can be fully prepared for what this job has to offer. Next, you can try to familiarize yourself with various counseling responsibilities and positions to see what fits you best.
As a counselor, you will be working with people in an attempt to help them with their personal issues, struggles with careers and relationships. That’s why you need to learn everything about human emotions and behavior and you must know how to communicate with all kinds of people. Should you decide to follow this path, Georgia has plenty to offer when it comes to counseling programs.
School Counseling Programs in Georgia
According to Educationnews.org, Georgia is home to 22 accredited school counseling programs. They provide the following degrees: Counseling Certificate, PhD degree, Associate’s Degree, Master’s Degree and Bachelor’s Degree.
Some of the most reputable schools that offer one or various counseling programs are listed below:
•Albany State University
•Columbus State University
•Georgia State University
•University of Georgia
•University of West Georgia
•Thomas University
•Emmanuel College in Franklin Springs
•South University – Savannah
•Luther Rice University
Professional Trends in Georgia
If you are willing to pursue a counseling career in Georgia, you should also know a few facts about the employment rate and salaries. When searching for the best school with counseling programs in Georgia, you should also keep in mind and look for job statistics hat you are making the right decision.
Almost 2% of the counseling professionals in the United States are employed in Georgia, meaning around 12,960 employees. Even though the rate might seem low, the truth is that employment in the counseling area has grown in the last year at approximately 14%. This is a faster growing trend as compared to national tendencies.
When it comes to the salaries received by the counseling professionals, the data reveals that it is growing. In 2010, the average salary for a counseling expert was of $48,171 per year and in 2006, it was only $43,558 annually. As a result, their salaries increased by eight percent in a few years.
The salary of a counseling professional differs according to his or her experience, education, training and employer. The highest paid counselors in Georgia receive a wage of $71,626 per annum, and the lowest paid professionals earn only $26,446 annually. Don’t expect to be in the top ten percentile from the start. Instead, try to work your way up to that point.
Most of those following a counseling program in Georgia, almost 56%, opt for a Master’s Degree, since it offers them more job opportunities and vaster experience. In the end, it’s up to you to decide what school to attend and what degree fits you best.