How Long Does It Take To Earn My Associate’s Degree In Psychology?
Feb 12, 2015 | 10:00 am
Earning an associate’s degree in psychology will definitely open new career opportunities and provide one with helpful experience working with different types of patients. For those who plan to study for their health psychology degree, they will find that there are a couple of associate’s degree programs surveying local businesses and then sign-up graduates to evaluate the mental wellness of mid-sized to large company personnel.
Earning an Associate’s Degree in Psychology
An associate’s degree in psychology is designed to provide students with the basic research skills required to obtain advanced education in the discipline. Many employers require job applicants to have an advanced degree – although there are jobs that are available to those who have earned an associate’s degree in psychology.
There are traditional, but internet-friendly schools that recommend that students who are pursuing an associate’s degree in psychology also take jobs working as correctional facility counselors, psychiatric nursing assistants and case technicians.
Program directors at a variety of brick-and-mortar schools sometimes have connections to HR (human resources) staff at state departments for social welfare or mental health agencies.
A great way to search for work that is related to one’s degree is to contact one’s program director and inquire if they require volunteers or employees to work with special population like the elderly or veterans.
How long does it take to earn an Associate’s Degree?
Earning an associate’s degree basically takes 4 semesters or 6 quarters of full-time study; about 2 school years. Programs actually vary in how long part–time students can earn their degree. Students can earn an associate degree in psychology at a community college, university or at a 4-year college – this depends on the situation. There are colleges and universities that offer Degree programs in Psychology and some do not.
Where Can You Work with an Associate’s Degree in Psychology?
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of psychologists is predicted to rise 12% from 2012 to 2022. Graduates can work at a residential treatment facility for adults or kids as a member of staff. One can interact with patients/clients under the direction of educated and highly experienced staff. At regular hospitals or state mental hospitals, one can apply to be a psychiatric technician. Mental health hotline counselor or drug counselor is another good job possibility. Though harder, there is work for people who have earned an associate degree in psychology – doing some volunteer work or internship while attending classes in college will help a person with an associate degree in psychology find a good job.
Having an associate degree in psychology will help one qualify for jobs such as research assistant in a market research organization. A large number of research companies are always looking for a person who is skilled in understanding the needs of consumers when selling products and/or services. Questions and surveys done in controlled setting is how businesses design their products.