How Long Does It Take To Earn a PhD in Sports Psychology?
Jan 19, 2015 | 12:00 pm
The relative length of time it takes to obtain a sports psychology PhD varies depending on the specific sphere of sports psychology you are interested in. When it comes down it, you need to be well aware of the different paths to take in sports psychology if you don’t want to waste your time.
Bachelor Degree Program
The path to a good sports psychology PhD begins with the smart selection of a good bachelor degree program in psychology. Right afterwards, you will also have to make the choice whether you want a degree at a doctorate-level because some bachelor courses don’t offer master’s programs. This usually means that you will spend about three of four years in an undergraduate course, then four to seven more years in preparation of your doctorate degree. Of course, not every psychology course will require a decade of studying; some professions will require not more than two or three. It is highly advisable to get both bachelor and master degrees before applying for work.
Master Degree Program
Getting a proper sports psychology PhD will take you first through a Bachelor of Arts in sport psychology, which will take four years. Throughout the program, you will be dealing with probability, psychology, statistics, sport and social psychology, history, biomechanics, research and counseling. Before successfully completing a Master of Arts in sport psychology, you will have to go through several programs that will eventually give you 77 credits and you will have to pass an exam that is regulated by the standards of John F. Kennedy University. This will take an additional two or three years. The master’s degree program will grant you skills in psychopathology, research, sport injury and kinesiology. You will be studying assessment, psychopathology, performance enhancement, behavior and ethics and you will be completing fieldwork and research.
Getting a Doctoral Degree
If you are considering getting a doctoral degree in sports psychology this will require you to finish a PhD in counseling psychology, then specialize in sport psychology following the regulations of the University of North Texas. Another possibility is for you to get a Doctor of Education Psychology with your major being sport psychology according to the Florida State University. The PhD program includes 113 credit hours and it will take you five to six years to complete it. In order to be able to specialize is sport psychology, you’ll have to add to your education a number of courses like exercise and sport psychology, applied sport psychology and social psychology of sport. Getting the PhD will also require an internship lasting one year and the writing of a dissertation. There are PhD programs that will not need you to have a Master of Arts Degree and naturally this will help you reach your goal faster. Of course, cutting down time in terms of studying might cut down on your options of employment.
Remember to keep these basics in mind as you continue your search.