Medical Office Procedures You’ll Learn In Your Nursing Degree Program
Jan 5, 2015 | 10:00 am
Believe it or not, as a nurse you may also be required to take on administrative duties. Nurses of every type and level of education and experience are required to take on a variety of roles in order to help manage patients in a clinic or medical office setting.
Office Management and the Nurse
In your nursing degree program, it is important that you invest your time to learn basic medical office procedures in order to ensure that things run smoothly in the medical office you will be working in upon graduation from nursing school.
When it comes to the responsibilities and duties for medical office managers, it is important to understand that the responsibilities actually vary with the size of the medical practice, and the management structure of the medical institution.
Introduction to the Medical Office Procedures Course
According to Universal Class, Medical Office Procedures is a course that offers an opportunity for student nurses to learn and put into practice, computer related and basic traditional medical office procedures, and to also learn the essential skills needed to work in an array of medical oriented environments.
While the basic focus of this particular course is designed for those who will work as medical assistants in office of doctors, a lot of the procedures, examples, and tasks also apply to other medical settings like:
•Dental offices
•Nursing homes
•Healthcare plan and workers’ compensation offices
•Medical association offices
•Specialists’ practices etc.
In this course, nursing students will learn all about the healthcare personnel and their part in providing top-notch care to patients. Students also learn all about the medical setting and ethics. Then, students develop and apply the skills that they have learned such as:
•Scheduling appointments and effective time management
•Communicating with healthcare providers, patients and others
•Handling the medical office reception area
•Handling patients’ medical records
•Preparing and processing medical documents
•Managing medical billing (both computerized and manual)
•Managing inventory control for medical office supplies
•Preparing and processing medical financial data
All through the course, the students may be provided with Internet website resource material in order to help them broaden their medical knowledge. The typical perquisites for taking the Medical Office Procedures course are Word Processing Level 1 course (or its equivalent), and knowledge of how to use the internet. The basic aim of this course is to help students learn basic medical office procedures, and help them acquire the basic skills needed to work in an array of medical-oriented settings.
For nursing students with very little or no prior knowledge of medical office procedures, and want to pursue a career in the healthcare field, then it makes perfect sense to take this course. A medical office requires more than just getting a degree to start and run successfully. With this course, students will not only learn how to set-up a well-run office and also learn how to put together a great medical team that provides the highest standards in the healthcare field.