What do I need to do to become a Licensed Therapist?
Jan 17, 2015 | 8:00 am
Do you enjoy helping people? If so, then a career in therapy might be a perfect fit for you. Therapists help patients who are suffering from a variety of long-term aliments and help them live normally again. There are many types of therapy practices, so your medical interests will always be met with different opportunities; from helping injured sports stars to dealing with drug addiction, there are many avenues to pursue. The job of a licensed therapist is rarely boring and always rewarding, so let’s take a look at what it takes to become one.
What Kind of Therapist?
There are many different kinds of therapists who help patients with a variety of health issues. The type of therapist you want to become affects what will be the licensed therapist requirements that will be necessary for you to have prior to seeking employment. If you want to work with the physically disabled, then you will need to meet physical therapist requirements. If you want to help build skills that the disabled will need to live life on their own, you will seek a career in occupational therapy. If you want to treat people with psychological illnesses or addiction then you’ll want to be a mental health therapist or counselor.
What Level of Schooling will I Need for Each?
Licensed therapists requirements in education needed differ depending on the type of therapist. Mental health therapists should pursue a master’s degree or PhD in their field. Therapists should seek a bachelor’s degree in some psychology-related field. Following the typical four-year path, students will seek their master’s degree in mental health counseling and complete 1,500 clinical hours. Lastly, will be mental health therapists, who need to pass the exam administered by the National Board of Certified Counselors. Physical therapists need at least a bachelor’s degree in physical therapy though more advanced degrees do exist. Physical therapists must pass an exam in order to get their CAPTE accreditation. In order to become an occupational therapist, a Master’s Degree in Occupational Therapy is required, as is passing the National Certification Test.
Personal Skills That Will Help
All therapists need to be caring people and good communicators. Physical therapists want to be in relatively good shape in order to push and lift patients in wheelchairs. Occupational therapists will need to be patient as tasks like tying shoes that seem easy to most people may take patients days to master. Mental health therapists will need even greater communications skills to instruct patients on how to manage stress or other negative emotions. It’s truly important that mental health therapists are able to leave the job at work and not take the negative aspects home with them.
Therapists do great work and they take people who are struggling with life and give them a path to return to normality, at least as much as possible. Therapists help patients through their deepest lows and are there with them, enjoying their greatest achievements. Consider making this ultra rewarding career yours, as it pays well and leaves you feeling great about yourself and life.