Why Do Nurses Like to Wear Nursing Scrubs?
Nov 26, 2014 | 10:00 am
With a sea of colors and many different styles to choose from, sometimes it can be difficult to choose the right style and color for you. We see people wearing nursing scrubs in healthcare facilities everywhere we go. We see everyone wearing scrubs in public. Scrubs are all some people wear. There are those who do not understand why everyone in healthcare facilities wears only scrubs. The doctors, nurses, techs, orderlies and even the receptionist in some places wear scrubs.
In an article titled, How Unsettling is it that Doctors Wear Scrubs to Whole Foods, Heather Horn asks, “Do doctors just walk out of surgery, dragging their disease-laden scrubs through the quinoa at the salad bar?” Most hospitals have policies against it, though the people you see are obviously not walking straight out of surgery.
Now it does seem that doctors, nurses, housekeeping, techs, lab workers and medical billing and receptionists all wear scrubs at some point. Why?
Disease Spreading?
According to Heather Horn, “You are basically wearing your pajamas to work, so it is liberating.”
According to The Atlantic, Dr. James Hamblin states in an article titled “Should Doctors Wear Scrubs In Public?” I don’t like seeing people wearing scrubs outside the hospital, but there is no evidence that bacteria on scrubs spreads disease.”
Many people love wearing scrubs. Not only do they come in just about every color known to mankind, but they also come in camouflage colors, with cartoons, flowers, prints and solids. They come in different styles to fit the different body types. They are “fun” clothing for some workers.
Some hospitals do not allow for anything except what the hospital provides and typically operating room nurses have to wear whatever the hospital gives them. In this case, the hospital laundry unit would do the cleaning, which does cut down on the possible spread of any diseases.
Nursing Scrubs In and Out of the Facility
Meagan O’Keeffe, RN, BSN, article titled, “You Wear Your Scrubs Where?” She states, “Do wear scrubs when you are in for the night, they make great pajamas.”
It’s easy to see why. They are comfortable and lightweight. They wash and wear easily. You do not want to wear scrubs out to dinner or on a date, although it probably has been done before, at least for an informal date. If you work in a healthcare facility and you purchase your own scrubs, it is probably wise to just change into street clothes before leaving work, so it doesn’t raise any eyebrows. Be sure you wash them regularly and make sure you dry them on high for at least 30 minutes to kill any bacteria that you may have come into contact with.
Scrubs are a necessary part of the hospital environment and workers follow different guidelines according to rules of the hospital. However, these are comfortable clothes, so most medical staff will not mind wearing them in and around the facility. Thankfully, you can find a variety of cheap, but quality scrubs online.