Nursing Jobs Students Can Pursue with a Nursing Degree
Dec 21, 2014 | 11:00 am
As a nurse, you will be performing a large variety of tasks, so the patient can be happy and satisfied. However, you should know that there are various types of nursing jobs that range from nurse midwife to licensed vocational nurse. The type of nurse you become depends greatly on the nursing degree you complete. The higher the degree, the better the nursing job will be. If you’re still confused and don’t know what job and specialization to choose, you should explore the different nursing jobs listed below.
Registered Nurse
This is probably the most common nursing job. You will find them in any hospital. As a registered nurse, you will have to perform various duties, such as offering emotional support and advice to patients and their families, educating the patients and their caregivers and giving the appropriate treatments. As a registered nurse, you can also choose to specialize in one specific area. For example, you can choose to work only with children or only in the ER department. You need either an Associate’s Degree in Nursing or a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing to become a registered nurse.
Licensed Practical Nurse
These nurses work in different areas and specializations of health care and they are the ones to offer basic bedside care. They monitor the overall condition of the patient, apply the ice packs and dressings, give the injections, and take the vital signs. Sometimes, LPNs can also carry out simple laboratory tests. Finally, they will assist the patients in their daily routines, including personal hygiene, dressing and bathing. As a licensed practical nurse, you can work in physicians’ clinics, nursing facilities and hospitals. According to Career-Opportunities.net, you only need a 1-year training program to become a licensed practical nurse. You can purse this program at a junior college.
Certified Nurse Assistant
The home health assistants, patient care technicians, or nurses’ aides, are all certified nurse assistants. They support the patients in their daily tasks and usually supervised by a registered nurse. The certified nurse assistants usually work in private homes, adult living facilities, nursing homes or hospitals. They work closely with the patient and they are able to monitor the changes in their health status. For this job, you will need a nursing training program that you can take at a career college or a care facility.
Nurse Practitioner
The registered nurses who complete specialized training and additional courses can become nurse practitioners. Some of these professionals can work without being supervised by a doctor. Their duties include the treatment and diagnosis of the patient and, sometimes, they can also write prescriptions. The experienced nurse practitioners are capable of treating injuries and illnesses, diagnosing diseases and offering primary health care just like a physician. Their ability of prescribing medications depends on the licensing and certification requirements of every state. For this job, you will need a master’s degree in nursing and after that, you obtain certification.
Other nursing jobs that you might find appealing are: licensed vocational nurse, occupational health nurse, home health nurse, certified registered nurse anesthetist, nurse midwife, public health nurse or travel nurse.