Overview of Event Planning Courses Online
Mar 4, 2015 | 10:00 am
You may wonder, why go to school for a career in event planning when it should only take a natural talent for organizing a party and giving people exactly what they want? The reason is that event planning courses online can teach you the logistical side of career planning that often goes unrecognized by entrepreneurs who are so overeager to sell. There is plenty of legwork, planning and organizing to do before you get the practice started.
What is covered in Event Planning Courses Online?
It varies according to curriculum. However, there are many factors that go into management. The reservation process can be complicated given time schedules and particularly when it comes to booking reservations online. There are procedures and facility operations to learn. If you are hosting an event there are even further considerations to remember, and audio-visual elements only add more tasks to your plate.
Contracting is a major issue in event hosting since hospitality companies and venue promoters alike depend on these binding agreements to make their investments back. Learning what contract terminology means is important, as is gaining experience in negotiating. Event planning doesn’t require just an idea, but also requires a manager to make sure the entire event goes smoothly from beginning to end.
If there are food and drinks, planners must know the legality and health issues involved in keeping inventory stocked during an event. There are also ticket sales, demonstrations, leafleting and other sub-issues that are fundamental to the success of the event. Security is a major issue given a general increase of violence and fear of violence and liability issues go hand in hand with security guidelines.
Lastly, there’s tax liability issue to consider, including liability admission, amusement tax, and seasonal or special events. There may be additional courses offered on wedding planning, which involves additional studies in the art of matrimonial décor and setting.
What Event Planning Courses Online Prepare You For
The most common events covered in event planning courses online might include charity events, concerts, sporting events, special guest speakers and museum or gallery exhibits. The value of a college degree is in the depth of information you can learn and how you can use this experience later on to achieve your goals and establish a name for yourself.
The larger the event, the more contracts you usually have to make. There is also a travel component to this profession and you have to decide if you want to travel to other cities for your events, or remain in one region. If so, choosing the right course may become an even more important issue, based exclusively on what locale and market you want to learn. State laws do differ and certain types of events are more common in some areas
Event planning courses online do help you become accustomed to the career path you have chosen. Taking a college course and learning the financial aspects that are all so important a large-scale event will prove helpful in building trust and creating a resume that’s impossible to ignore. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that event planners as an occupation are projected to grow 33 percent from 2012 to 2022, which is at a faster pace than all other occupations.
Start your career right by learning the profession first and then innovating in your own unique way.