Overview of Online Accounting Degree Program
Mar 3, 2015 | 11:00 am
In today’s busy world, taking time to go to specific classes at specific times at “brick and mortar” schools can be a hassle, and perhaps next to impossible for some people with a bevy of errands and chores. Even if one does not have a family, juggling multiple part time jobs, studying, and finding time to distribute evenly to all of these commitments is challenging. If everyone you deal with supports you and helps provide the time maybe it will turn out great, but oftentimes that is not the case.
The Cost of an Online Accounting Degree
Since accounting is so computer driven today, the online classroom may be the best place to learn it. In the early years, the quality of online education may have been questioned, but not today. Today, nearly every school in the country has some form of online learning program and usually full-length courses or degree programs. Kaplan University, University of Phoenix, and DeVry University are among the leaders in the online field. Their degrees have gained respect and the quality of the education is on par with many well respected brick and mortar schools.
For many, it’s the program cost that is the greatest selling feature. Some online schools, such as Post University, can rival that of a brick and mortar school at $66,000 for a degree. Yet each program has the potential to lead you towards a path where you earn good money for your skill set.
What Factors Matter When Looking for an Online Accounting Degree
In choosing an online school, look at their graduation rates and employment figures, as well as the support the school offers in helping you gain employment. Networking can be the greatest asset gained in a brick and mortar school and it should also be a factor in choosing an online school. If you find that many executives in your area used the University of Maryland, for example, that may be a good choice for you. The executive will know the depth of your education and you may use the same descriptive terminology that aids in communication, which other graduates have used before.
Most online universities have a commitment to educate and give a strong basis for future growth, but you must do some research on your own. Check into the philosophy and the influence that other disciplines may have on the degree path you choose. The traditional idea of a university is to broaden your outlook and give you a variety of experiences, if you look, you may find a school that helps you to better adjust to the future, as well as find employment in the present.
You need a variety of “college capital,” including a computer to attend the online classes. Make sure you have access to the instructor through more avenues than just email at the school you choose. Skype can allow for more personal contact. Never take on a program before you get some certainty that it will meet your specific needs. It is not to be taken on a lark. These programs have become too expensive to make a misguided move. Online accounting degree programs have become a legitimate path to a better future and you owe it to your “future self” to choose wisely.