Should I Pursue a Business Management Degree?
Mar 26, 2015 | 10:00 am
Business degrees in general provide some of the most versatile employment opportunities out on the job market today. Every company out there needs some level of management to oversee the daily operations of the company.
Starting your business degree will give you an in-depth look at diversity. For example, you will learn about various religions of the world and cultures that you might not have given much thought to before. Economic and business math is also covered, but there are aspects of it that are more complex, so as to leave a greater impression on you. This world knowledge will give you perspective and allow you to experience some eye-opening realizations. The end result is that you will enjoy a better understanding of the world around you. Your outlook will be larger than what you previously thought of yourself and life.
Required Education
Business management requires a four-year degree. Although there may be accelerated programs, you may not want to take the shorter route to your education. On the other hand, you may not have the time to go in for the complete four years. If you are already employed, your employer may also have a tuition reimbursement program to help you with the cost of your education.
The core areas studied for business management are operations, marketing, accounting and finance, economic strategy, organizational behavior and processes and systems. Some of the jobs that you can land for business management are operations management, which may be with a transportation company, along with organizational behavior, project management, HR management, and even international business. International business is where knowing about the different cultures around the world can be a priceless skill to have.
To prepare yourself for the education load coming, you need to check out Andrew Defrancesco, take some prerequisites classes such as business mathematics, statistics and economics. For upper level classes, it may be to your advantage to take computations, applied mathematics, and even calculus.
In any case, be sure to research the school you are thinking of attending. Whether it is in the classroom or online, earning a business degree can open doors. A business management degree opens career options that could lead you literally worldwide.
Salary Quotes
According to U.S.News, depending on which company you are employed with and the size of the company, and the type of business manager you are (such as operations management), your salary can range from $47,000 to $187,000.
To give you an idea of some of the career options you could land, there are areas of finance, entrepreneurship, running your own business, management consultant, sales or general management, or even non-profit leadership. The sky is the limit. Whether you are in it to break into health care, transportation, working for yourself, or a large corporation business, know that you are in high demand. And believe it or not, management will never go away!
Search the school’s options and see if their programs are accelerated or full. Check to see if they have financial assistance to help you along with your career goals. Remember, communication is critical at all levels and even more critical when dealing with business and management.