Those Who Pursue the Psychology Field Have Different Career Options
Feb 1, 2015 | 10:00 am
Marketability is a main concern when choosing a career for long term income options. There are many career headings, which once mastered, may invoke opportunities in scores of different specialties. One of these careers is the field of psychology.
When considering the different careers in the psychology field, there are advantages in the diversity of study options. One of the most appreciable areas of psychology is simple counseling. This is an easy approach to a manageable schedule. When hanging out the shingle for counseling, overhead can be extremely minimal. Autonomy plays a role in self-governing, and a simple small office with a laptop and a couple of couches would be perfect. A secretary might be a thought for convenience sake. Marriage counseling, drug and alcohol counseling, and grief counseling are all vines of the profession that are quite rewarding and may fit certain individuals particularly well.
Sports Psychology
Sports psychology looks to be a lucrative field. According to Division 47 of the American Psychological Association, sports psychology is “the scientific study of the psychological factors that are associated with participation and performance in sport, exercise, and other types of physical activity.”
Forensic Psychology
There will always be a need for criminal investigators. Forensic psychology, a truly different career in the psychology field, is the study of criminal activity, with application of psychological factors determining motives and thought processes of the criminal. This form of study is used to conclude patterns, commonalities in these patterns, and modus operandi. Victims are studied along with the crime scene, for specific clues that may give up information eventually leading to a suspect. Psychologists in this specialty typically have a doctorate and are found in court rooms, police stations, and may work as private consultants. This would be a line of work that would seem to never get boring or mundane.
Cognitive Psychology
This specialty in psychology requires quite a bit of focus. Intense concentration and assessment of the patient would play a huge part in treatments and outcomes. Some areas in which cognitive psychology might be applied include pediatric patients with learning disabilities, stroke victims, and individuals who are handicapped in cognitive skills. The geriatric venue will be employable grounds for these individuals. With Alzheimer’s’ and dementia on the rise, there is need, now more than ever, for psychologists who are willing to study these conditions with intrinsic intrigue. Attention, memory and problem solving are all areas affected by diseases of the aged brain.
Industrial-Organizational Psychologists
Quite possibly the fastest rising specialty in the psychological area of expertise is the Industrial-Organizational Psychologist. The advantage of having this person on staff is to watch the behavioral ranges of employees in industrial locations. Creating training modules, hiring new employees, monitoring behavioral changes and patterns, can make a huge difference in production and satisfaction of industrial employees. Designing products and quality control may also be incorporated into these studies, along with skill testing and continuing education on the job.
Other Psychologist Opportunities
Different careers in the psychology field might involve schools, orphanages, veterinarians, law firms, industrial firms, film-makers, drug and alcohol treatment centers, psychiatric hospitals, nursing homes, regular hospitals, police stations, coroner’s offices; these are all places you will probably find a psychologist wandering the halls, with someone’s solution to a major problem.