Reasons to Become a Registered Nurse Now
Nov 23, 2014 | 10:00 am
When the nursing profession began with Florence Nightingale, it wasn’t such an estimable profession. There was talk of infidelities, questionable character, and nursing didn’t seem to be a very admirable career choice. Many women died during wartime and catastrophic epidemics that wiped out scores of people.
Today, nursing is one of the most valued professions in the job market. There are countless opportunities for registered nurses in all different venues. Good nurses are coveted in hospitals, surgery centers, flight specialties, organ retrieval teams, and an endless list of prospects awaits them.
Financial Freedom
Although money should never be a reason to pick a profession, registered nurses are in one of the most attractive job brackets as far as income goes. The median annual wage for registered nurses was $65,470, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Specialty registered nurses of various degrees may make from $95,000 to $100,000 per year. There are also benefits in most hospitals for nurses who want to seek higher degrees. Healthcare encourages nurses to increase their education; therefore, tuition reimbursement is available at most hospitals in hopes of retaining their nurses long term.
Even if money plays a role in searching nursing out as a career choice, one learns quickly that being an intricate part of the human race as a caretaker is simply invaluable. Nurses get much gratification by taking care of patients, interacting with other interesting personnel, and developing lifelong relationships with others. People who have worked in the trenches together “on call” at 3:00 a.m., know all about each others’ kids, spouses, victories and disappointments. There is much camaraderie among nursing professionals.
Registered nurses are able to choose from many different kinds of work. Medical and Surgical nursing is popular. Whether a registered nurse is working in a recovery room, operating room, or a plastic surgeon’s private office, he or she can find a job on short notice anytime, anywhere. Hours are also flexible. Shifts have changed in order to better accommodate facilities and personnel, but a special request from an excellent nurse will always be considered. There is freedom for this profession in shift preference. One may want to work three, 12-hour shifts and be done for the week. Extra call is always available, and easy to give away.
If an individual likes to travel, agency nursing can be very attractive. Most ask for 13 weeks assignments, but give the nurse a choice of a variety of locations. Housing is paid, and usually a per diem or other benefits. Agency work is hard because the nurse is going into uncharted territory and has to fly by the seat of his or her pants until familiarity is formed. Once integrated with regular staff, trust is built and by the end of 13 weeks, a bond has formed and everyone dreads him or her leaving. Sometimes the contract is extended and the nurse may stay an extra segment of time.
Now is an excellent time to become a registered nurse because opportunities abound. There are opportunities to specialize in almost every area, including neuro, ortho, pediatrics, and other critical areas that are such a challenge to the intellectual individuals who don nursing licensure.