The Most Rewarding Aspects of Being a Radiologist
Dec 29, 2014 | 12:00 pm
Radiologists are doctors who are specialized in using the science of radiology in order to treat and diagnose medical conditions and diseases. Just like all the other doctors, radiologists must graduate from medical school and must also complete their residency before being able to practice this profession. Radiologists work with the radiologic technicians, the latter being the ones to perform the tests and the first will interpret and read the images. There are also radiologists who don’t interact with the patients because they are only specialized in diagnostic imaging. Being a radiologist can come with numerous rewarding aspects that you will find listed in this article.
The Salary
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, a physician specializes in a certain medical area can earn an average of $396,233 per year. This very competitive salary attracts numerous individuals into this profession. Thus, the financial rewards are truly important for a radiologist. Some radiologists can earn even more, depending on the place they work and on their experience. You might be interested to find out that radiologists have some of the highest salaries among other physicians.
The Duties
The job itself and daily duties are extremely rewarding. Radiologists usually go for this profession especially for the responsibilities and the nature of the job. Moreover, your life at work will be less stressed as compared to other physicians and you will be able to earn more than most of them.
Little to No Paperwork
As mentioned previously, a radiologist will be less stressed and he or she will also have less paperwork to deal with. This might sound extremely appealing for those who think that doctors spend half of their time signing and completing documents and prescriptions.
You Will Make an Impact
Radiologists can help their patients in two ways: by treating their conditions and diseases (the direct way) and by diagnosing the illnesses and problems (the indirect way). For this reason, they are extremely important in the life of a patient. Sometimes, they are the only ones who can offer an exact and correct diagnostic and this can mean everything for a patient who is desperately looking for a cure. Making a difference in the lives of other people is extremely rewarding for a radiologist.
The Variety
If you want to work in the radiology field, you must know that you have numerous choices at your disposal. If you go for diagnostic radiology, you can choose from vascular radiology, neuroradiology, pediatric radiology or nuclear radiology. Interventional radiology is another alternative. It makes use of nonsurgical treatments such as medical imaging to control and guide the procedure. Two other options are medical physics and radiation oncology, which offers treatments for cancer. You will have plenty of specializations to choose from as you begin your career. This is a job that pays well and attracts brilliant minds to the profession. Explore your own potential in a meaningful career, as you find the ideal school for training.