Salary Information for Medical Psychologist
Feb 2, 2015 | 11:00 am
The field of psychology has a number of specialty areas of consideration for anyone seeking to pursue a career as a psychologist. There are jobs waiting in every area from school psychology to industrial/commercial psychology. However, one of the most rewarding and challenging is the field of medical (health) psychology.
For those considering a career as a medical psychologist, it is important to first understand what it takes to work in this field and how much money will be made by those who become successful medical psychologists. The job duties, work environment, educational requirements, and overall dedication required to enter the field should all be considered before a student ever worries about the amount attached to a medical psychology salary.
Job Duties
An important factor at work in determining a medical psychology salary is how effective an individual is at performing the job duties associated with the title of medical psychologist. Medical psychologists are responsible for psychotherapy, pain management, pharmacology, and behavior therapy for their patients. By learning how to successfully aide patients in all aspects of the job, a medical psychologist can earn top dollar for their specialty.
Work Environment in the Field
Medical psychologists work in a variety of different settings and locations. They are needed and placed in environments such as hospitals, medical centers, health care facilities, research locations (colleges, etc…), and as at home consultants. Salary numbers will vary depending on location (place of employment) as well as education and experience, but work environment is definitely a key factor.
Educational Requirements in the Field
To become a successful medical psychologist, it is important to first gain a quality education. A bachelor’s, master’s, and often a doctoral degree are all necessary to enter the field, along with a state license and two years of closely supervised on-the-job experience. The educational/experience requirements are stiff, but in a field that deals with emotional and behavioral issues on a daily basis, it is crucial to be properly educated and trained in order to provide professional help at a high level.
Salary Expectations for New and Experienced Workers
The average median salary for a medical psychologist with less than five years of experience is $69,280 per year, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Entry-level medical psychologists can expect to earn around $38,720 on the low end of the salary range, while the top end salary earners can expect to earn over $110,880. With such a broad salary spectrum, it is extremely important to take education, training, and experience seriously. To become a top salary earner, it will be necessary to stand out from the pack.
Job Outlook for This Profession
The growth rate for medical psychologists through the year 2022 is expected to be around 11% with over 14,900 new jobs being added over that time period. In order to take advantage of the job growth in this field, it is necessary to be fully prepared and commit to the educational, training, and experience requirements needed to rise to the top.