What Does a Social Worker do?
Jan 23, 2015 | 9:00 am
Social workers are known to work directly with people and helping them when they are in difficult times. They work with vulnerable individuals, both adults and children, and their main goal is to keep these people away from any kind of harm. They must have a strong connection with the service users and be their advocates and guides. Sometimes, they have to make tough decisions that may not please everyone, but if their decision is the correct one and it’s in the benefit of the service user, they must stick to it.
Who Do Social Workers Serve?
Before answering the question what does a social worker do, let’s see whom they work with. These professionals work with either children or adults, depending on their specialization. A social worker specialized in adult services will have to deal with individuals who have learning difficulties and mental health problems and are in residential care. They will also have to work with people with HIV/AIDS, offenders and elderly people with housing or health benefits.
The services offered to young people or children include offering advice and assistance in keeping the families together, managing foster care and adoption processes, being employed in children’s homes, helping children with school or health issues and assisting younger people who have problems with the law.
What Duties Does a Social Worker Have?
In this profession, you can offer direct services or you can work in clinical facilities. We will explore both possibilities to see what a social worker does. According to Access2Knowledge.org, the duties of a social worker offering direct services are as follows:
•Developing strategies to help the service user improve their well-being and cope with problems
•Establishing clear goals according to the client’s strengths, needs and situations
•Helping clients face various challenges and transitions, including divorce, unemployment or medical illness
•Advocating for the service user in receiving basic needs via Medicare, child care or food stamps
•Responding and acting immediately in case of crisis or emergency circumstances such as natural disasters and child abuse
•Tracking the progress of the client to see if their situation has efficiently improved.
The duties of a clinical social worker are:
•Assessing the service users’ backgrounds, mental health histories and medical histories to provide them the best treatment
•Helping clients treat behavioral, emotional and mental disorders
•Team up with other healthcare professionals and develop a treatment plan for the client
•Offer therapy techniques for families, couples, groups and individuals
•Recommend mental health professionals, psychiatrics and support groups for the clients
•Keep a record of the client’s progress to see if the treatment has the expected results.
Where are social workers employed?
Besides answering the question what does a social worker do, we should also tell you where these professionals are usually employed. Most of the times, they find work with independent charities and organizations, or they are employed with local authorities. Some of them can also work in community-based settings, mental health trusts or hospitals.