Steps in Earning Social Work Licensure in Massachusetts
Feb 1, 2015 | 12:00 pm
Massachusetts is a state that sets a wonderful precedence in education for social workers, counselors and educators of all sorts. For social work licensure in Massachusetts, an incredible process must take place.
Screening takes place with all applicants who are interested in licensure in social work career choices. Maturity plays a large part in attributes of social workers and the stringent education requirements alone act as a proper filtering method for applicants who are dedicated. A Master’s degree or a PhD (doctoral) degree is accepted to sit for the social work licensing exams in Massachusetts. However, the quickest route to accomplish minimal exam requirements is a Bachelor’s degree. Passing the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Clinical Level Examination is the first step to licensure after the degree is obtained.
Field Requirement
In comparison to most states, Massachusetts demands more clinical hours for completion of field requirements. About 3,500 hours are determined and documented by a supervisor who has been approved for mentoring by the state Licensure Board. An individual with the same credential from another state may also be accepted in the mentoring process. These hours must be accumulated during a 24 month process with at least 100 hours of face-to-face supervisory experience.
To apply for the exam is a very tedious process. An application must be submitted, along with a fee of $173 to the Association of Social Workers Licensure Board. The exam fee is separate and is $260.00. Endorsement is contingent on approval of the board.
Like all other professional credentials, continuing education for a social work license in Massachusetts is required in order to keep current licensure. Massachusetts’ requirement to maintain social work license is 30 contact hours of approved continuing education programs and an $82.00 renewal fee. It is prudent to apply for renewal at least 30 days prior to expiration, so paperwork and fees may be processed for this renewal.
Massachusetts is keenly aware of underserved areas when it comes to designated health professionals. The Massachusetts State Loan Repayment Program (SLRP); the state monitors venues that have shortages for professionals in all healthcare areas and offers compensations to facilities to fill these empty positions. These programs assist qualified organizations by funding repayment of loans incurred by professionals in healthcare positions. The professional receiving the benefit will then enter a two year contractual agreement with the institution, which helps retain these individuals for the institution’s advantage. Social workers are eligible for up to $20,000 per year or $40,000 total over two years.
Developing skills and competencies in different areas for the licensed social worker in Massachusetts may offer more marketability in the field. With increased senior population, disadvantaged children, increase of the homeless population, and veterans returning from combat zones, opportunities in social work specialties are endless. The National Association of Social Workers – Massachusetts branch is a wonderful way to network for employment opportunities and helps ensure character and quality for the individual with a social work license in Massachusetts.