What does it take to become an RN in Florida?
Dec 18, 2014 | 8:00 am
The Job Potential in Florida
Because of its warm, agreeable climate, Florida is one of the most favored areas for settling down among those who have reached their retirement years. With over seventeen percent of its population already aged 65 or over, the statistics are expected to grow higher in correspondence with the baby boom era. For this reason, Florida is constantly searching for qualified registered nurses.
Due to the tourism industry, Florida’s population swells by as much as thirty-five percent. For those hoping to gain a position as a registered nurse in Florida, this is the best time to apply. The majority of these positions run an average of thirteen weeks. Applicants must acquire a travel nursing license to be able to work in the state, with costs running anywhere between $25 and $250, depending on their own state policies.
Basic Requirements for Becoming an RN in Florida
To become an RN in Florida, you must first attend an accredited nursing school and complete a two to four year curriculum. Upon graduation, you must apply for and pass the NCLEX Board Exam so as to become licensed. Before taking the exam, you must take a course on the prevention of medical errors. This course must be completed before you can apply with the Florida NCLEX Board.
If you did not graduate from a Florida nursing school, your qualifications as a registered nurse can be transferred through endorsement. Endorsement applicants must have successfully completed an approved nurses program and provide proof of licensure within their state, as well as all educational hours. When applying for a position as an RN in Florida, you must also include your health history in order to prove you are in good health and can adequately perform your duties.
The Subtle Difference
Florida generally recognizes the endorsements of other states for licensed registered nurses. The NCLEX Exam is standard in all states as part of the licensing process for nurses. According to the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, the examination covers the fields of safe, effective care, including management, environment and safety and infection control. The exam will also cover health promotion and maintenance, with sections on growth and development through the life span and the prevention and early detection of diseases. Other portions of the exam will involve psychosocial integrity and physiological integrity.
The greatest difference between becoming an RN in Florida or becoming one in most of the other states is that they must note on their license if they would be willing to work as an RN in the case of a disaster as part of the requirement. This is not to say that as an RN in Florida, you will be called to work in a disaster situation. It is a policy to give Florida a list of those who would be available in the event of a crisis.