Tips on How to Become a Nurse Anesthetist
Nov 8, 2014 | 9:00 am
If a person wants to know how to become a nurse anesthetist, he or she should research intently what is required to work in this field. Not many high school graduates even know this entity exists. It is usually explored later on in the career of a nurse who realizes he or she has an incredible fascination with the process of the anesthesia process.
Starting Out in How to Become a Nurse Anesthetist
When aspiring to be a nurse anesthetist, once the decision has been made, many things come into play. First, it is required for a nurse to have a bachelor’s degree in most states, as well as licensure, in order to apply for nurse anesthetist school. But, there may be other prerequisites like working for two or more years in an acute care area like the intensive care unit. The nurse anesthetist school defines what an acute area may be. It is important for the person who wants to learn how to be a nurse anesthetist to do plenty of exploring, so they do not veer off the path of completing the program. Each school has its own set of prerequisites and all of them must be met in order to gain acceptance into the school. Becoming a CRNA takes a timeframe of 6 to 8 years to become a nurse anesthetist.
Location is one of the greatest factors in attending nurse anesthetist school. It should be known that students want to stay in a particular area after graduating or move to another state. Licensure is done by state, so moving after the credential is substantiated may become a problem. Different states have requirements for practice and it may be easier to attend a school in the same state one might be residing in, long-term.
Fort Sam Houston, Texas boasts the top ranking nurse anesthetist school in the country with a score of 4.0. The U.S. Army Graduate Program of Anesthesia Nursing is one of the most prestigious programs in the world. Others in the top ten include Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Albany Medical College in Albany, New York, Wake Forest University in North Carolina, and University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
How to Become a Nurse Anesthetist and What to Expect
Nurse anesthetists usually work under direct supervision of an anesthesiologist. Many of them work for corporate groups that are run by a company, usually headed up by anesthesiologists. This is a great safety factor, which allows for on call coverage and support during long grueling procedures and emergent times that absolutely require more than one person’s assistance.
A nurse anesthetist may work independently, according to state laws. They may work in doctor’s offices doing plastic surgery, oral surgery, or other types of procedures where all the equipment they need is readily available.
The work of CRNAs has significant social benefits. Nurses are responsible for the vast majority of anesthesiology care in rural areas and other places experiencing a critical shortage of health care professionals. Their assistance allows smaller hospitals to offer comprehensive services close to home, including surgery, obstetrics and trauma care.