Tips for Drawing Patient’s Blood
Dec 29, 2014 | 8:00 am
The procedure of drawing blood is usually ordered by doctors in order to perform various medical tests. Phlebotomists and nurses usually conduct this action. The diagnostic centers and the blood banks are the ones who perform this procedure on a regular basis. Even though for many people, it might seem that drawing blood is an easy process, you should know that there are various skills needed for this operation. For example, the Northcoast Medical Training Academy lists the required steps for a perfect venipuncture. Some of the most important steps are explaining the procedures, verifying the restrictions, preparing the order, positioning the patient, assembling the supplies, examining the veins, performing the venipuncture and finally managing the tubes correctly. Now, let’s see some important tips for drawing the patient’s blood.
Greet the Patient and Introduce Yourself
Always greet the patient and be friendly, yet respectful with him or her. At the same time, introduce yourself and explain why you are there and what you’re going to do. Some patients might be afraid of needles or they might not like seeing their own blood, so try to calm them down as you prepare them for the procedure of drawing blood.
Be Careful About Patient Precautions
Make sure to always read the patient’s chart or the signs behind the bed of the patient. Some of them might have isolation restrictions, while others need fasting before having their blood drawn. So, be sure that they have fasted the exact amount of time written in the chart.
Follow the Hygiene Policies
Before and after every blood drawing procedure, you must wash your hands. It is also mandatory to use sanitary gloves and change them after each patient. This is extremely important to prevent the spread of infections from one patient to another. Also use disposable needles and syringes, which you must throw these out right away, in safe conditions, after performing the procedure.
Read the Patient’s Order Carefully
Every patient comes with special needs, so your job is to find out what those needs are. Read the order of the patient where you’ll find his or her name, the date of birth and the medical record number. Prepare the labels, the requisitions, and make sure that they match with the identification of the patient. Don’t forget to always confirm the identity of the patient.
Prepare and Assemble the Supplies
Whenever you’re drawing blood, you will handle the following instruments and items: alcoholic wipes, blood collection tubes, medical adhesive tape or bandage, cotton balls and a tourniquet. Ensure that the blood culture bottles and the blood tubes are valid. Next, you must choose the right needle for the procedure. Selecting the appropriate needle depends on the amount of blood to draw, the physical characteristics and the age of the patient.
Select the Appropriate Vein
Decide on the arm you want to use for the procedure, and after tying the tourniquet, find a visible vein. Always disinfect the area before inserting the needle and after extracting it. Once you’ve performed the procedure, make sure to place the blood in the appropriately labeled tubes and bottles, after that, discard the waste and clean the site for the next patient.