What Are Some of the Top Hospitals Located in Pennsylvania?
Oct 1, 2014 | 8:00 am
There are several reasons why you may need to assess what hospitals are the best or top rated in any given state. You may be looking for an excellent or challenging work environment. You may want to be at a great teaching hospital for your residency, or you may need the best care in a certain area.
While almost every community now days has a hospital, some are better at others. While others still offer specialties. Here is some of the top rated Pennsylvanian Hospitals. Knowing what you are looking for is helpful to the patient/consumer and also galvanizes all hospitals to be better.
Top Pennsylvania Hospitals
University of Pittsburg Medical Center was given a number one ranking by U.S. News for its teaching facility, diversity of specialties that included fourteen and two high performing specialties, which are Gynecology and ophthalmology. They also are the state’s largest non-governmental employer. Patient satisfaction was reported at 71%. The state median satisfaction for hospitals is 68%.
Second in the state ranking is Hospitals of the University of Pennsylvania-Penn Presbyterian. Located in Philadelphia, PA, it boasts thirteen nationally ranked specialties including: Cancer treatment, Cardiology, Diabetes and Endocrinology, Ear, nose and throat, Gastroenterology and G.I. surgery, geriatrics, gynecology, Nephrology, Neurology and Neurosurgery, Orthopedics, Psychiatry, Pulminology, Urology. They also get high marks in Ophthalmology and Rheumatology.
Other Pennsylvania Hospitals in the Northwestern Region
If you are outside of the metro areas and looking for a hospital in the Northwestern region, both UMPC Hamot and St. Vincent Hospital rank high in patient satisfaction with eight high performing specialties at UMPC Hamot and 5 high performing specialties at St. Vincent. Both are located in Erie, PA.
UMPC Hamot’s high performing specialties are Cardiology and Heart Surgery, Diabetes and Endocrinology, Ear, nose and throat, Gastrointestinology and G.I. surgery, Geriatrics, Nephrology, Orthopedics and Pulminology. It is a smaller hospital with 350 beds, which nearly made national ranking levels. Patient satisfaction was 74%.
In central Pennsylvania, you will find that Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center, found in Jonestown, PA, is high ranking in Cardiology, Gatrointestinonolgy and G.I. surgery, geriatrics and Pulminology with patient satisfaction at 64%, which is slightly lower than the national average at 68%. While UMPC Altoona, a satellite teaching hospital from PA’s highest-ranking hospital, University of Pittsburg is ranked at number 31 in PA with high rankings in Urology and Nephrology.
If you are looking for some of the nation’s top rated doctors at the hospital of your choice, Jefferson University Hospital employs eighty of Philadelphia’s top doctors as rated by Philadelphia magazine for 2014.
Jefferson Regional Medical Center gets the approval from the Women’s Choice Awards in the top 100 hospitals in the nation. This seal is awarded annually to hospitals that support the empowerment of women. In addition, it was noted as being one of the best orthopedic hospitals in the country. It is located in Jefferson City, PA.