Top Viral Nursing Videos on YouTube
Jan 4, 2015 | 11:00 am
If you go to Youtube.com and enter in the top viral nursing videos, you do not get just the list of the top viral videos. You will get an array of different videos that have gone viral. Disappointing actually, if you are a student looking for vast amounts of information from the World Wide Web. It actually takes some searching to find what you might be looking for. If you enter in top nursing videos, you will get an array of nursing mothers feeding their babies and a few videos on nursing in the medical field. Using a play on the words will help find the information one might be looking for.
Medical Videos
Nursing videos used by education organizations are actually of different nature. Education organizations will use videos as a tool for teaching students that many facets of the medical field and nursing field. This will include procedures and skills, respiratory care, wound care, sterile techniques and skills, pediatric care, neurosensory disorders and digestive disorders.
Teaching by videos saves the voices of those who will repeat lecture after lecture to the many students they teach.
According to Learners TV, there is a list of hundreds of videos used to teach hundreds of students in many different fields, nursing and medical being a large number of them.
Along with anatomy, chemistry and different levels of biology and microbiology there is also the fundamentals of many classes such as fundamentals of nursing and procedures, bacteriology, immunology, oncology and an array of physical examinations, clinical examinations, techniques, skills and procedures.
While there are videos, there are also books, classrooms and labs that teach the terminology, histories and procedures. Other lessons to learn include physical conditions, what they look like and what they might sound like and how it affects the body.
Nursing Videos of Interest for Medical Students
Videos are not the same on YouTube as they are found and listed within the education organization; however, there are educational videos that can help a student get ahead. With the Internet, a student should be able to find just about any subject they want to know about.
Educational facilities videos might help with lectures. It really depends on how that student learns. Different people learn different ways and have different learning curves. While some learn by seeing others will learn by hands on, and still others will prefer to read from a book. The educational facility will likely have a list that a student may be able to access online at all hours of the day and night to refresh and help them get ahead with their studies.
The list on YouTube is not all-inclusive, and after doing a bit of searching you will find plenty of other informational videos and resources. These will help a student attain a better understanding on procedures and getting a different perspective from either another student or healthcare professional. A student should stick with their education library to get the best videos for education purposes and always be aware of other options to pursue.