What Types of Healthcare Professionals Operates Anesthesia Machine?
Nov 26, 2014 | 12:00 pm
The only healthcare professionals authorized to handle and operate complex anesthesia machines are licensed anesthesiologists. Like all medical physicians and other healthcare professionals, anesthesiologists need to complete the licensing requirements in order for them to be able to practice their profession. However, the American Board of Anesthesiology offers sub specialty certifications, so those with the right qualifications can operate the anesthesia machine even without completing the licensing requirements.
The Job Description
Anesthesiologists deal with affected individuals with complications as they refer to pain alleviation. Anesthesiologists keep track of patients’ vital signs throughout and right after surgery, in addition to helping others who experience from persistent pain and discomfort in their day to day lives. These healthcare professionals not only implement anesthetics for this reason, but also make a decision on painkillers that affect individuals.
Anesthesiologists are medical professionals that need to be licensed and undergo the required licensing process. This can only happen after they take their extra units and completing an undergraduate program. Healthcare students can expect to have four more years of schooling of which the first two years include classroom work. The remaining two years will be focused on clinical practice. The truth is that with a degree in anesthesiology, it is a lot easier to obtain advanced studies in the medical field and improve your chances of getting employed. Once you finish your degree in anesthesiology, you can take up the appropriate licensure exam and become a fully licensed anesthesiologist. Licensed anesthesiologists enjoy more benefits and better pay grade, not to mention, a myriad of opportunities for career growth.
Education and Licensing
Even without previous educational background or experience in the field of anesthesiology, anyone can still pursue a profession in this field by taking up related courses offered by accredited schools or universities. Irrespective of medical field specialty, all medical professionals must successfully pass the USMLE exam or United States Medical Licensing Examination. The official website of USMLE provides practice materials as well as exam material related to the licensing examinations, along with details on application resources and rating. Supplemental licensing prerequisites may vary by state.
If you are planning to complete your education online before you take up the licensing examination for anesthesiologists, the anesthesiology degree program must meet the accreditation requirements. The process of becoming an accredited learning institution for the field of anesthesiology and working with an anesthesia machine is actually not a mandatory procedure, but this is the only way to guarantee that they are not one of the diploma mills students can find on the internet, they often subject their anesthesiology degree programs for accreditation to ensure that their educational excellence is comparable with other learning institutions offering the same types of courses.
With the growing trend of anesthesiology in the field of education, it will not be long for this sector to fully address the growing shortage for qualified and skilled anesthesiologists. And with the growing interest of students to take up this program, there will be a projected growth for degree programs in anesthesiology in the future.