Ways Grey’s Anatomy Nails the Nursing Profession
Nov 27, 2014 | 12:00 pm
The media image of nurses seems to be that they are promiscuous and run around flirting with other co-workers. While there might be a little truth with a handful of nurses across the state, this is not how things work for the most part. Nurses are hard working individuals, who are exposed to infectious diseases, foul smells and bodily fluids and sometime being treated abusively by irate patients who want nothing to do with what they are trying to do for them. Nurses are bitten, spat on, hit, and verbally abused. They take negative criticism from patients and other healthcare members. Ironically, without their support and patience, the healthcare system would be devastated as a whole.
Opinions on the Nursing Profession
According to Scrubs Magazine, in an article titled “7 Ways Hollywood Goofs Up Medicine,” Sean Dent, RN, CCRN, ACNP-BC, ATC states, “As seen on TV does not apply to the real world.” He goes on further to say, “No, doctors do not come to your bedside and draw your blood. It is a phlebotomist, a lab tech or a nurse.”
The messages that actress Katie Duke wants to send the world is, “Nurses need more r-e-s-p-e-c-t.” She further states, “Nurses need break coverage, more staffing, more patient care techs, safer medication labels, and support with belligerent and abusive patients.” Knowledge is power – never stop learning.
When she actually posted this on social media, she lost her job on the TV show NY Meds. There have been a lot of negative comments posted on social media pertaining to how nurses are projected on the TV show Grey’s Anatomy; however, the show portrays real people who have real life problems such as divorce, sitter problems with children, sick family members, marriage problems and so on. Yes, there was a lot of cheating, hookups, and so on, but these are all things that also happen in real life. Maybe some stuff was a little exaggerated to some degree, for TV’s dramatic effect, but it’s real life nonetheless.
Critics laud the show for having portrayed highly skilled doctors and nurses in specialty fields such as heart and vascular, brain, orthopedics, pediatrics and so on. It is often describes as one of the most realistic medical shows on the air, in terms of medicinal practice and characterization of medical staff.
The Reality of the Nursing Profession
Nurses must go through extensive education requirements than pass rigorous examinations in order to become licensed and certified. If they chose to go on and specialize, there is higher education, experience and training involved along with more certifications and licenses.
They do deal with abusive patients at times and have to put out potential fires. They are providing comfort, compassion and support to their medical team members as well as patients and their family members.
According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, registered nurses make a median salary of around $65,000 per year and the job growth is expected to grow 19% through 2022. The field is both physically and mentally demanding and they can work as much as 12 plus hours on rotating shifts. This is not a field for the faint of heart. They must be emotionally stable and physically sound.
TV doesn’t show this part of it, but at least they make them look pretty!