What is an EKG and How Does it Relate to Cardiovascular Technologists?
Dec 17, 2014 | 11:00 am
You’ve seen them on TV shows and movies. You may have even seen the real EKG machines in hospitals, and may even have had one used on you. While you may have heard of an EKG or ECG, you may be wondering exactly what is an EKG? We’re going to take a look at what an EKG is and how it relates to the profession of cardiovascular technologists.
What is an EKG and How Does it Work?
An electrocardiograph, commonly referred to as an EKG or ECG, is a noninvasive procedure used to check the activity of the heart. The way an EKG works is to record and interpret the electrical activity from the heart with the use of electrodes that are attached to the outside of the body (thus the noninvasive nature of the procedure). These electrodes will pick up electrical signals from the heart and translate them into a diagram that is usually printed on paper.
The machine used to record the EKG is called an Electrocardiograph, and is often a portable unit. In many hospitals, the EKG machine can be remotely monitored from the nurses station; thus, allowing medical personnel to keep an eye on many patients at the same time. While most EKG’s are noninvasive, physicians may choose to implant an implantable loop recorder that would allow the patient to be monitored without being connected to an external machine.
Physicians use EKG’s to monitor the rate and regularity of a person’s heartbeat. They can also monitor the size and position of the chambers with the EKG and the effects, if any, of drugs on pacemakers. EKG’s are vital in helping physicians screen for heart disease and Myocardial infarctions.
What is a Cardiovascular Technologist?
Cardiovascular technologists and technicians are people who assist physicians in assessing the cardiovascular health of patients. Their job is not limited to only diagnostics as they also assist in the treatment of cardiovascular ailments. The cardiovascular system of the human body consists of the heart, arteries, veins, and blood vessels.
Some cardiovascular technologists will choose to specialize in invasive cardiology, cardiac sonography, or vascular technology and sonography. Invasive cardiology, as the name suggests, involves using invasive techniques including the use of implantable loop recorders. Cardiac sonography involves using sonograms to view an image of the heart and is similar to the sonograms used to view babies in utero.
Cardiovascular technologist and technicians are the specialists tasked with conducting tests on the heart and cardiovascular systems. This, of course, includes the use of EKG. While their job is not limited to the use of EKG machines, it’s difficult to ask the question what is an EKG without bringing up cardiovascular technologists since they are the people often using them.
While salaries for cardiovascular technologists and technicians can vary somewhat depending on industry, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the average annual salary is $53,990 per year. By industry, we can see that those employed in physician’s offices are on the high end of the scale at $58,720 average annual salary, while those in medial and diagnostics laboratories are on the low end at $49,180 average annual salary.