What’s it Like Working in a School Nursing Offices?

What’s it Like Working in a School Nursing Offices?

Dec 7, 2014 | 9:00 am

The main duties of a school nurse include the close collaboration with the administrators of the school, the generation of a comfortable and appropriate teaching environment that can satisfy the students and allow them to learn, eat, work and communicate with fellow students and teachers in a comfortable and safe way.

School Health Care

Naturally, the most important of all school nurse responsibilities is to tend to any students or staff within the boundaries of the school that require medical assistance. In addition, the nurse has to make sure that everybody in the school has knowledge in some basic healthcare training, and in addition to explain the rightful ways of approaching students with chronic illnesses, disabilities, mental conditions and the likes of these. The nurse shouldn’t be solely responsible for the medical education of an entire school. He or she should work with the school’s administration in order to create a special program in accordance with the nurse’s availabilities. It is the nurse’s choice of how deeply the school’s students and staff should receive medical guidelines and when. The education of teachers, for instance, could save a lot of work for the nurse, with their consent.

Nurse Interaction

The nurse’s duties and influence can spread far beyond the boundaries of the school and her office and usually if the nurse is dedicated and is willing to do a thoroughly good job, this will be the case. Apart from taking active participation in the creation of the medical curriculum program, they can also be of assistance regarding the official educational subjects/courses. Usually, the people they advise and collaborate with are teachers, administrators, and community stakeholders.

Naturally, the nurse’s job should have emphasis first and foremost on the students. If one student needs a consultation regarding a problem throughout school hours, he or she should be immediately admitted. If there is a student who has a lasting problem, the care and condition of that student must always be of high priority. The best of nurses manage to find time to address problems that have risen between students and their families, due to the illness. The best nurse doesn’t simply take care of the student’s health, but also offers advice regarding his or her social life (regarding the impact of a certain medication or condition).

Locations of Practicing

School nurses can work at various different places. They can engage in a public or private career. They can work in childhood schools all across the United States. A school nurse works in an office, in the school building and depending on the finances of the facility, those offices will be either well-equipped and large or smaller. The office is left whenever there needs to be a specially arranged class or a meeting.

There are certain job positions as a nurse in a school, which include travel from one school to another, gathering information as part of the job obligations. Bear in mind, the benefits and unique challenges of becoming a school nurse.