Overview of California’s LCSW Requirements

Overview of California’s LCSW Requirements

Jan 26, 2015 | 8:00 am

California is amongst the most stringent of states when it comes to licensing for social workers. Requirements for obtaining a license in Social Work include a Master’s Degree in Social Work followed by two thousand hours of practicum with at least seven hundred and fifty being face to face with clients. This is according to the Board of Behavioral Science. All this is overseen by a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who have been licensed for at least two years, and is in good standing with the Board of Behavioral Health. This person is willing to have increased malpractice insurance because while they are supervising an unlicensed person, they are liable for all malpractice suits that may be brought against the practitioner.

California LCSW Requirements

The Licensed Clinical Social Worker overseeing the Social Work candidate meets with them on a regular basis, usually weekly, to evaluate their work with clients and evaluate their progress in modalities being learned and used. The LCSW over the candidate also generally sees to counter transference issues and any other emotional problems that may arise from the challenging work of helping people with their lives.

In many cases, the LCSW (or ASW) candidate pays for this supervision and is required to develop their own clientele. This is usually done by paying their supervisor either a previously agreed upon amount or a percentage of the income generated from charging clients for services.

This track can be helpful to future LCSW’s whose goal is to provide counseling in a private practice setting. Ideally, they are building a practice of their own while accumulating their hours. Also, hopefully they are developing a good reputation through their supervision and will merit referrals from other LCSW’s by word of mouth.

The drawback of this is insurance and the need to be on someone else’s malpractice insurance. Many established LCSW’s do not want the liability or cost of having someone who is still learning on their insurance. It can also be complicated in the case where mistakes are made and a suit is filed, as the supervisor is technically responsible and can face disciplinary action for the downfall of someone else. A good relationship and consistent supervision with openness and trust helps alleviate some of the concerns that some established LCSW’s may have with supervision.

Tips on California LCSW Requirements

Another way candidates achieve their hours is to find employment in the public and private sector at agencies such as county behavioral health or privately owned clinics. The benefit of this is they can get paid a salary while working towards licensure. Also, in certain special needs areas such as inner cities and rural areas, your work can be counted towards payment of your student loans.

The trouble with working in the public sector is that until recently, the trend in California was towards hiring LMFT (Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist) who can only supervise an LCSW track MSW for one thousand of their hours.

The requirements of becoming an LCSW are well worth the time spent as generally you get the opportunity to work with several different populations. You may spend part of your time working with displaced migrant workers and another part working with individuals in court mandated Anger Management. Because of this, you will be well equipped to adapt to many job settings when you are licensed and looking for a job to settle into.