Career Info

What Your Career Choice Says About You: Part 1

Dec 2, 2015 | 4:20 pm

Let’s face it: some people are just built for certain careers. Whether it was a school subject that sparked a specific interest or parental figures instilling certain ideas into their child’s heads, some people are just geared to work one career over another. As you read, research and explore, you’ll learn more and more about what career is ideal for you. Here are a few examples of well-known careers, and what that career says about those who hold it. Police Officer: So, you’ve decided to become a Police Officer. We’re guessing you have a strong sense of morality, enjoy helping... Read more...

What Does Your Degree Choice Say About You?

Nov 10, 2015 | 7:36 pm

It’s finally that time. You’re ready to decide on a degree path. You may have heard a few things about friends and family who have already went on and experienced higher education; horror stories of all night study sessions, strict professors and never-ending pages of notes. One way for you to limit the horrors of college life is for you to pick a major that fits your personality. Here is a short description of what various degree choices say about the enrolled student and potential career options that accompany each degree path. Communications So, you’ve decided to enroll in a... Read more...

4 Degrees that can Lead to Unexpected Careers

Nov 9, 2015 | 5:02 pm

Some students are forward-thinking enough to begin considering career options at a young age. Not all students think this far ahead, however (but that’s okay). If you have a certain degree choice in mind but are less certain about what the job prospects for that degree hold, I have good news – some sought after careers come from degree programs you probably would’ve never considered. Here are 4 examples of career choices that come from unexpected degree programs: 1. Political Science – Lawyer When you think of the major Political Science, you probably don’t immediately think lawyer. If you earn... Read more...

Bright Outlook: 5 Jobs that are Trending Upward

Oct 29, 2015 | 6:54 pm

No two words inspire more hope in a college student than “bright outlook.” In late 2007, when the recession hit our economy, the job openings for recent graduates dwindled drastically. In the years since, although our economy is far from perfect, it has certainly improved. Before diving into your college degree journey, you should first get an idea of what the outlook for your potential career choice looks like. These 5 careers have a bright outlook and are trending in the right direction. 1: Nurse Job Outlook: +19%* As our country continues to place emphasis on personal health and well-being,... Read more...

5 Steps to Choosing the Right Career Path

Oct 21, 2015 | 7:36 pm

Few things can cause an aspiring young professional more stress than choosing the right career path. If you’ve graduated high school and are beginning to think about what your life can look like as you get older, you need to take a step back. Before making any decisions that can have a dramatic impact on your future, consider these 5 steps. Step 1: Asses Your Strengths Many people have issues with the way high school grades and asses intelligence. One thing that can’t be critiqued, however, is high school allows you to figure out what you’re good at. Whether it’s... Read more...

Turn Back! 4 Careers that are Trending Downward

Oct 15, 2015 | 5:10 pm

Greetings readers! Online Ed here and today’s topic may make some people disappointed. Due to various factors, some careers aren’t trending the way hopeful employees would like. Before you decide on a potential degree path, you should understand possible pitfalls of the careers that may lie beyond that degree path. These are 4 careers that are trending the wrong way: 1. Editor Job Outlook: -2%* One career that some English and language majors might consider pursuing is an editor. Editors revise, plan and review content across various forms of publication. It seems to be a great career choice for someone... Read more...